University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The items in the Digital Collections of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Library contain materials which represent or depict sensitive topics or were written from perspectives using outdated or biased language. The Library condemns discrimination and hatred on any grounds. As a research library that supports the mission and values of this land grant institution, it is incumbent upon the University Library to preserve, describe, and provide access to materials to accurately document our past, support learning about it, and effect change in the present. In accordance with the American Library Association’s Freedom to Read statement, we do not censor our materials or prevent patrons from accessing them.

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American Library Association’s Freedom to Read Statement

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility at the University Library
Collection Structure
Resource Type
Showing 1–40 of 130 collections
  • A. Arro Smith "Capturing Our Stories" Oral Histories Program Records, 2008-2013 (Born Digital)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born-Digital video recordings and transcriptions from the A. Arro Smith "Capturing Our Stories" Oral Histories Program Records contain digital video recordings, transcripts, and release forms, concerning "Capturing Our Stories", a national oral history program to gather life histories of experienced librarians as they exit their careers. Interviews include Rita Auerbach, Sanford Berman, Karen Breen, Mary Bushing, Diana Collins, Richard Corson, Connie Corsons, Valerie Feinman, Clark Fogarty, Micki Freeny, Robert Gaines, Anne Gault, Andrew Hansen, Shelia Henderson, Billie Grace Herring, Janet Swan Hill, Irene Hoadley, Gail Hueting, Kathy Kays, Jeannette Larson, Sarah Long, Arlene Luster, Filomena Magavero, Dorothy McGarry, Jay McLaughlin, Bill Mears, Kent Middleton, John Mitchell, Jenifer John Patterson, Peggy Richwine, Dale Rickleifs, Karlan Sick, Ninfa Trejo, Pat Tuohy, and Kenneth Yamashita.
  • Adult Education Board Conference Proceedings (Digital Surrogates)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital surrogates of the proceedings of the Pre-Conference Adult Education Discussion held under the auspices of the Adult Education Board, Ernestine Rose, presiding.
  • ALSC Subject and Committee File (Born Digital and Surrogates)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digitial surrogates of the ALSC Subject and Committee File, including including correspondence, reports, minutes, budgets, conferences, project files of the Division of Libraries for Children and Young People, Board of Library Service to Children and Young People, Children's Library Association, and Association of Young People's Librarians. Annual reports can be found here:
  • Althea H. Warren Papers (Digital Surrogates)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital surrogates of the papers of Althea H. Warren, president (1943-44), including correspondence on the American Library in Paris and aid to libraries in war areas.
  • American Association of School Librarians Subject File (Born Digital)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital born American Association of School Librarians Subject Files, including Board meeting minutes from the Annual Conference and the Midwinter Meeting, committee materials, bylaws, and conference materials.
  • American Library Association Archives Digital Collections
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    This digitization project contains digitized photographs from the Faxon Collection from the Conference Photographs series (99/1/14) and the Library Building Photographs series (99/1/15), held at the University of Illinois Archives. Some photographs and postcards from the Library Building Photographs collection (Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, and California) have also been digitized.
  • American Library in Paris Correspondence (Digital Surrogate)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital surrogates of the correspondence of The American Library in Paris contains reports, budgets, organization charts, book lists, and other papers relating to the American Library in Paris and the Paris Library School (Ecole de Bibliothecaires), includes detailed accounts of the founding of the American Library in Paris and the Paris Library School, the American Library and Parisian life after the liberation, and debates on the role of women as librarians. Primary correspondents include Milton E. Lord, Flora Ludington, Carl H. Milam, Edward A. Sumner, H. M. Lydenberg, and Jessie Carson.
  • American Library Institute Papers
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital copies of the administrative, meeting, and financial records of the American Library Institute, containing reports, papers presented, minutes and agendas, meeting minutes of the Research Board, memoranda, journal (1908-42), checkbook (1935-40), savings book (1934-41), proceedings (1914-15), correspondence (1946-51), and programs.
  • Annual Conference Correspondence, May 18 - October 20, 1876 (Digital Surrogates)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digitized copies of microfilm of the planning file of ALA Librarians' Conference, the first ALA Conference in October 1876, including correspondence (May 18 - October 20, 1876), letters of invitation, individual responses, conference discussion suggestions, program requests and hotel arrangements. Correspondents include Melvil Dewey, William E. Foster, Daniel W. Fine, R.B. Anderson, Charles Cutter, Christopher Little, Luther Holmes, George S. Williams, Theodore M. Osborne, Edward M. Hall, Ezra Abbot, the Franklin Hotel manager (Philadelphia), Oran W. Morris, Louise W. Roose, Otis Robinson, Charles Evans, M.B. Coolidge, Thomas Karney, M.A. Bean, W. Carrington Button, William Dunn Macray (Bodleian Library, Oxford), F. Saunders, James Reed, Edward A. Noyes and Pat Rufas. The series includes a description of the holdings of the library of the Essex Institute, Salem, Massachusetts (now Peabody Essex Museum) and shorthand notations by Melvil Dewey on the respondents' letters.
  • Annual Conference Programs (Digital Surrogates)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital copies of the Programs of Annual conference programs contains advance attendance registers, official programs, announcements, preliminary conference programs, convention packets (1964 -), proceedings (1950-), lists of exhibits and meetings, ballots, travel and post-conference tour information, invitations to local libraries and social events, conference newsletters, newspaper clippings, convention notebooks, and advertisements.
  • ARLIS/NA Academic Library Division File (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records from the file of the Academic Library Division of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) include the division's State of Academic Law Libraries report (2019).
  • ARLIS/NA Administrative Publications (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records from ARLIS/NA Administrative Publications include articles of incorporation and bylaws, strategic plans, policy manuals, chapter affiliation documents, conference planning materials, a management calendar, and an organization chart detailing the relationships among offices in ARLIS/NA.
  • ARLIS/NA Advocacy and Public Policy Committee File (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records from the ARLIS/NA Advocacy and Public Policy Committee File contain ARLIS/NA Public Policy Committee announcements and statements (2013-15) and its monthly online publication Public Policy Committee News Alert (2015-18) as well as the ARLIS/NA Advocacy and Public Policy Committee successor monthly online publication Advocacy and Public Policy Committee News Alert (2018- ).
  • ARLIS/NA Art Documentation (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records from the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA)'s Art Documentation journal contain digital copies of the publication's tables of contents, some with abstracts, for issues 2008- relating to articles on visual resource preservation, digitization, and other topics of interest to art librarians.
  • ARLIS/NA Canada Chapter File (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) Canada Chapter File contain annual reports, the essay collection History of Art Libraries in Canada, and a Statement of Concern derived from to the activities and administration of ARLIS/NA's Canada Chapter.
  • ARLIS/NA Cataloging Advisory Committee File (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records from Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) Cataloging Advisory Committee File contain publications NH Classification Schedule for Artistic Photography (rev. ed., 2004) and Attribution Qualifiers for Artists' Names (ca. 2005) as well as "Title and Statement of Responsibility," "Subject Headings," Notes," and "Name and Title Access Points" publications from the Committee's Cataloging Exhibition Publications: Best Practices series (2008-10) pertaining to best practices in cataloging publications that accompany and document exhibits.
  • ARLIS/NA Cataloging Section File (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records from the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) Cataloging Section File contain discussion paper pertaining to potential changes in MARC coding.
  • ARLIS/NA Central Plains Chapter File (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) Central Plains Chapter File include annual report (2004), group photograph of chapter members (2013), and editions of the Central Plains Irregular, the chapter's newsletter (2002-2018).
  • ARLIS/NA Chapter Publications (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) Chapter Publications contain affiliation agreements between chapters and the national organization, bylaws for the Twin Cities chapter of ARLIS/NA, and materials from the national organization pertaining to special project funding for chapters.
  • ARLIS/NA Conference Publications (Born Digital Records and Digital Surrogates)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records from ARLIS/NA Conference Publications include ARLIS/NA annual conference programs and schedules, final reports, business meeting agenda, call for papers, chair list, contact list, and speaker biographies as well as Distinguished Service Award (DSA) winners list and DSA Convocation introductions and remarks. Digital surrogates from ARLIS/NA Conference Publications include 40th Annual Conference commemorative historical artifacts.
  • ARLIS/NA Delaware Valley, DC-MD-VA, and Mid-Atlantic Chapter Files (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records of the Delaware Valley, DC-MD-VA, and Mid-Atlantic Chapter Files contain Delaware Valley bylaws, nominating committee and officer lists, and ARLIS/NA affiliation material along with annual reports pertaining to the activities and administration of the Delaware Valley and District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia (DC-MD-VA) chapters of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA); records continue with bylaws and history and mission statement from the Mid-Atlantic chapter of ARLIS/NA, into which these chapters merged in 2014. Born digital records from Delaware Valley, DC-MD-VA, and Mid-Atlantic Chapter Files also include election, insurance, participation, and contact/directory information as well as agenda, minutes, and internal reports; to access these files, please contact an archivist.
  • ARLIS/NA Discussion Group, Working Group, and User Group Issuances and Publications (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records from ARLIS/NA Discussion Group, Working Group, and User Group Issuances and Publications contain the Artist File Working Group's publication Artist Files Revealed: Documentation and Access (2009, 2010), the ARTbibliographies Modern and Design and Applied Arts Index Users Group's meeting presentation (2007), and minutes of discussion group, working group, and user group meetings from Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) conferences (2005, 2007).
  • ARLIS/NA Diversity Committees File (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records from the ARLIS/NA Diversity Committee include final draft of charge to Committee's planning grant task force and preliminary census findings pertaining to Committee's efforts toward ensuring the inclusion of underrepresented groups in ARLIS/NA activities and in the profession.
  • ARLIS/NA Executive Board, Officers, and Executive Director Publications (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records from ARLIS/NA Executive Board, Officers, and Executive Director Publications include the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) Executive Board tribute to Wolfgang Freitag (2012) and advocacy statement regarding Anti-Black Racism and Violence (2020) as published on the ARLIS/NA Web site and annual messages from ARLIS/NA presidents concerning the state of the Society.
  • ARLIS/NA George Wittenborn Memorial Book Award Committee File (Born Digital Records and Digital Surrogates)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records and digital surrogates from the file of the George Wittenborn Memorial Book Award Committee of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) include calls and guidelines for submissions and list of award recipients from 1973 through 2015. Digital surrogates from the George Wittenborn Memorial Book Award Committee File also include committee correspondence, draft documents, and recommendations for committee improvement.
  • ARLIS/NA Gerd Muehsam Award Committee File (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records from the file of the Gerd Muehsam Award Committee of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) include list of recipients of this award from 1977 through 2015.
  • ARLIS/NA Humanities Commons Planning Task Force File (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) Humanities Commons Planning Task Force File contain final report of the task force engaged in exploring whether to associate ARLIS/NA with the Humanities Commons project.
  • ARLIS/NA International Relations Committee File (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records from the ARLIS/NA International Relations Committee File contain program and list of participants from the Committee-arranged 2019 tour to Venice, Italy.
  • ARLIS/NA Joint Taskforce on Visual Resources Professional Issues File (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) Joint Taskforce on Visual Resources Professional Issues, convened in conjunction with the Visual Resources Association, contain report on hiring and retention criteria.
  • ARLIS/NA Membership Committee (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) Membership Committee include Committee project presenting interview profiles of various individual ARLIS/NA members on the ARLIS/NA webpage.
  • ARLIS/NA Midstates Chapter File (Digital Surrogate and Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital surrogate and born digital records of the Midstates Chapter File of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) include annual reports (1976, 2004) relating to the administration and activities of ARLIS/NA's Midstates chapter. Also included are newsletters (2007-22).
  • ARLIS/NA Montreal-Ottawa-Quebec Chapter File (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
  • ARLIS/NA Multimedia and Technology Reviews (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records from ARLIS/NA Multimedia and Technology Reviews contain informational webpages pertaining to the publication along with articles from publication's issues in June and August 2019.
  • ARLIS/NA New England Chapter File (Digital Surrogates and Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital surrogate and born digital files of the ARLIS/NA New England Chapter include issues of the chapter's newsletter, Focus (1999-2008).
  • ARLIS/NA New York Chapter File (Digital Surrogates and Born Digital Files)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital surrogate and born digital records of the ARLIS/NA New York Chapter File include issues of the chapter's newsletter, ARLIS/NY News (formerly ARLIS/New York News) (1978-2012), as well as a flowchart image promoting the chapter (undated).
  • ARLIS/NA Northwest Chapter File (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) Northwest Chapter File contain reports, chapter recipes, and meeting programs and minutes pertaining to the activities and administration of ARLIS/NA's Northwest Chapter.
  • ARLIS/NA Notable Graphic Novels Reviews (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records of the ARLIS/NA Notable Graphic Novels Reviews include PDF copies of reviews (2020- ).
  • ARLIS/NA Occasional Papers (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records from from ARLIS/NA Occasional Papers include revised edition of Information Competencies for Students in Design Disciplines, originally published in 2006, pertaining to requisite information skills expected of students in fields related to visual arts, Artists' Studio Archives: Managing Personal Collections and Creative Legacies (2016), and Occasional Paper No. 17 Fair Use in the Visual Arts: Lesson Plans for Librarians (2018) pertaining to appropriate usage of images under copyright.
  • ARLIS/NA Ohio Valley Chapter File (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) Ohio Valley Chapter File include annual reports (2000-16) and history (2002), and call for papers (2016) documents pertaining to the administration and activities of ARLIS/NA's Ohio Valley chapter.
  • ARLIS/NA Ontario Chapter File (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) Ontario Chapter File contain newsletter, annual reports, and meeting minutes pertaining to the activities and administration of the ARLIS/NA's Ontario Chapter.