University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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American Library Association’s Freedom to Read Statement

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility at the University Library
Collection Structure
Resource Type
Showing 201–240 of 761 collections
  • ARLIS/NA Summer Educational Institute for Visual Resources File (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital surrogates and born digital records from the Summer Educational Institute for Visual Resources File include photographs of participants and background materials from past institutes. Born digital records from the Summer Educational Institute for Visual Resources File also include JPEG photographs of participants from past institutes.
  • ARLIS/NA Texas-Mexico Chapter File (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records from the ARLIS/NA Texas-Mexico Chapter File contain chapter newsletter The Medium, historical lists of Medium editors and chapter officers, Lois Swan Jones Award material, listserv messages, reports, and presentations pertaining to the Texas-Mexico Chapter of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA).
  • ARLIS/NA Twin Cities Chapter File (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records of the Twin Cities Chapter of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) contain chapter's annual reports.
  • ARLIS/NA Upstate New York Chapter File (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records from the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) Upstate New York Chapter File contain annual report (2004) and history (ca. 2014) pertaining to the activities and administration of ARLIS/NA's chapter for the area including Western New York and later all of Upstate New York.
  • Art and Design Collection Catalogues and Inventories (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates of the Art and Design Collection Catalogues and Inventories consist of three ledger volumes including Art Gallery Inventory, Catalogue of the School of Art and Design of the Illinois Industrial University, and Art and Design Inventory. Ledgers provide an inventory of collections and materials held by Art and Design and listing item description, date acquired, source, value, date of disposal or transfer, and campus location of items transferred from Art and Design. Registers record art and casts acquired as early as 1876 although they appear to have been compiled or annotated at a later date (1891, 1907-14) as an inventory of art work, casts, copies, and drawing and sculpting equipment including model forms, tables, trestles, easels, frames, and tools.
  • Art and Design Department Newsletters (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates of the Art and Design Department Newsletters includes "A Line on Design", an alumni newsletter with biographical information, photographs, addresses, and others news concerning Design faculty, students, and alumni.
  • Arthur E. Bestor Research Collection on Communitarianism (Digitized Content)
    Illinois History and Lincoln Collections  ·   Digital Special Collections
    The digitized content of the Arthur E. Bestor Research Collection on Communitarianism consists of photographs taken in the 1930s and 1940s of community sites and buildings in New England, the Mid-Atlantic, and the Midwest by Professor Arthur E. Bestor, as part of his study of American Utopian movements. Arthur E. Bestor (1908-1994), a historian and professor whose career spanned multiple universities across the United States, joined the faculty of the University of Illinois in 1947 and left in 1962. While at Illinois, Bestor published Backwoods Utopias (1950), his major work on American Utopian movements that were antecedents to the Fourierist movement of the 1840s. He particularly focused his research on Robert Owen and his utopian goals in New Harmony, Indiana. The digitized content contains photographs taken by Bestor in his research of utopian communities from 1937 to 1946. The images depict structures, scenery, and sites in more than twenty communities in the eastern and midwestern United States and in Quebec, Canada. The photographs were digitized from the original nitrate negatives. The Illinois History and Lincoln Collections unit at the University of Illinois Library manages the physical items of the Arthur E. Bestor Research Collection on Communitarianism (MS 468). The collection was partially digitized in 2018. For more information, contact an archivist at
  • Arthur W. Ghent Papers (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates of the Aruthur W. Ghent Papers includes bibliographic card
  • Asian American Cultural Center (Digital Surrogates and Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    The Asian American Cultural Center was established in 2005. The Asian American Cultural Center provides the University of Illinois community with space to gather and share the diverse and rich cultures that are part of the Asian American experience. Records in this series include photos, program materials, annual reports, and student organization materials.
  • Asian American Cultural Center Publications (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Asian American Cultural Center Publications (1998-2006) consist of posters relating to Asian American Awareness Month (2004-2006), Unseen Unheard Conferences (1998, 2003), co-sponsored by the Asian Pacific American Resource Committee and the Asian American Studies Program, and an Asian Pacific American Graduate Student Organization Conference (2006), co-sponsored by the Asian American Studies Program.The Peel magazine written by students ran between 2000-2005.
  • Association for Library Collections and Technical Services Subject File (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born-digital annual reports produced by the president of the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services.
  • Association for Women in Slavic studies Archives (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Association for Women in Slavic Studies Archives (Digital Surrogates) (2007-2018), includes newsletters from the Association for Women in Slavic Studies (AWSS) and a document pertaing to the internet landing page for AWSS, concerning Slavic Studies, academia, bibliographies, scholarship, Eastern Europe, membership, the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS), book reviews, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Moldova, Russia, Transcaucasia, and Central Asia. This series includes significant materials on the field of Slavic Studies.
  • Association of College and Research Libraries Board of Directors Correspondence and Files (Digital Surrogates)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital surrogates of the Correspondence and Files of the Association of College and Research Libraries Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and ACRL Presidents.
  • Association of College and Research Libraries Board of Directors Minutes and Proceedings (Digital Surrogates)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Minutes and proceedings of the Association of College and Research Libraries Board of Directors Midwinter and Annual Meetings.
  • Association of College and Research Libraries Committee Files, 1961-2012 (Digital Surrogates)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital surrogates from the ACRL Committee Files, including files on the Task Force on Acadmic Libraries and Higher Education (1983-85), Council of Liaisons (1984-2001, 2010-2011), Liaisons Reports (1989-2001), and Professional Association Liaison.
  • Association of College and Research Libraries Section Correspondence, 1975-1976 (Digital Surrogates)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital surrogates of Association of College and Research Libraries Section Correspondence, including files from the Slavic and Eastern Europen Sections (SEES) from 1975-1976.
  • Association of Cosmopolitan Clubs Records (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the Association of Cosmopolitan Clubs Records include a born-digital publication "Remembering the Cosmopolitan Club," in honor of Executive Director Andrea Shields upon her retirement. The publication contains a compilation of messages from former students of the Cosmopolitan Club at the University of Illinois.
  • Association of Specialized Government and Cooperative Library Agencies Subject File (Born Digital & Digital Surrogates)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Subject files of Executive Directors of the Association of Specialized Government and Cooperative Library Agencies, contains correspondence with ASL Presidents (1963-72), minutes, bylaws, budgets, reports, conference materials, membership lists, newsletters, election files and organization, includes materials and correspondence for projects on Decade of the Disabled Award and International Year of Disabled Persons, activities of the Automation, Awards, Conference Program, Legislation, Membership Promotion, Nominating, Organization and Bylaws, Planning, Publications, Research, Standards Review, and Survey Standards committees, and ASCLA representatives to non-ALA associations, materials on library service to prisoners, the elderly and the disabled; and files relating to the Multitype Library Cooperation Section/ Continuing Education (MLCS/CE) Networks are People - Two Approaches workshop, ASCLA merger, committees and annual meetings (1979-98), services to Blind and Physically Handicapped committees and Francis Joseph Campbell Award (1979-95), Services to the Deaf, bylaws, minutes, and program - Help: Libraries and the Hard of Hearing (1980- 82), activities and correspondence of Independent Librarians Exchange Round Table (ILERT), Library Service to Special Populations Section (LSSPS), Interlibrary Cooperation and Networking (ICAN) Section (formerly MULTI-LINCS), and State Library Agency Section (SLAS); "Roads to Learning: The Public Libraries' Disabilities Initiative" Project Files; and publications of the association.
  • ATO Chapter Files (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates of the ATO Chapter Files includes "History of Illinois Gamma Zeta of Alpha Tau Omega, 1895-1922".
  • Australian, Canadian and New Zealand Projects File (Digital Surrogates)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Australian, Canadian and New Zealand Projects File including material on Australia (1941-49), Tasmania (1944-49), Fiji Islands (1944), New Zealand (1942-47) and Canada (1935-49) libraries, librarians and library schools; distribution of periodicals and international visitors.
  • Barbara McCrimmon Autograph Collection (Digital Surrogate)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital surrogates from the Barbara McCrimmon Autograph Collection, includes autograph letters written by librarians to W. So. Braithwaite and B. J. Brimmer Co. letters originated from, or were sent to, the Haverhill (Mass.) public library and the Library of Congress acknowledging receipt of donations.
  • Barry Brehm Photographs (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Barry Brehm Photographs include digitized copies of slides, and digital photographs, taken by Mr. Brehm between 1974 and 2017, of landscapes and the built environment. Specific topics and locations documented include the University of Illinois Campus, Robert Allerton Park, barns and agricultural buildings around Champaign-Urbana, the University of Illinois Campus (including the Arboretum, Idea Garden, and Japan House), Kickapoo State Park, state and local parks in Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, New England, and Oregon), and National Parks (Glacier, Grand Teton, Yellowstone).
  • Beatrice S. Russell's Autograph Collection (Digital Surrogates)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital copies of the autograph collection of notable persons, consisting of letters to the editor of the Bulletin, Beatrice Sawyer Russell; sentiments on the role of the library made for the 50th anniversary of ALA; and routine letters of acceptance and regret from James Angell, Newton D. Baker, Ray Stannard Baker, William Beebe, Edward W. Bok, Louis Bromfield, James B. Cabell, Andrew Carnegie, Louise W. Carnegie, Janet A. Fairbank, Edna Ferber, John H. Finley, Dorothy Canfield Fisher, Zona Gale, Ellen Glasgow, Harold L. Ickes, Henry Horner, Helen Keller, Herbert H. Lehman, Walter Lippmann, Hugh Lofting, Thomas Mann, Marie, Queen of Romania, Christopher Morley, William F. Poole, Azariah S. Root, Julius Rosenwald, Eleanor Roosevelt, Vincent Starrett, Sir Rabindranath Tagore, Susannah Tarkington, Daniel B. Updike, and William A. White.
  • Biological Computer Laboratory Publications (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates from the Biological Computer Laboratory Publications include grant proposals, technical reports, publications, general reports, and yearly summaries concerning cybernetics, biological computing, sound processing, self-organizing systems, visual processing, language processing, computational semantics, complex computer systems, computers and cognitive functions, computational linguistics, and information processing. Authors include Heinz von Foerster, Murray L. Babcock, W. Ross Ashby, Gotthard Gunther, Albert A. Mullin, Paul E. Weston, Gordon Pask, John Russell, Humberto R. Maturana, Lars Lofgren, Alfred Inselberg, Dan Cohen, Alex M. Andrew, Francisco Varela, and more.
  • Black Student Association Publications (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Black Student Association Publications (Digital Surrogates), 1967-1974, contains digitized issues of Drums (1967-1969), The Black Rap (1969-1971), Yombo (1971-1973) and the Irepodun yearbook (1972-1973) containing feature articles, editorials, poetry, book reviews, cartoons, photographs, announcements, and advertisements about the University, Champaign-Urbana, police, Vietnam, racism, Black students, and white society.
  • Black Students for Revolution Records (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records and Audiovisual Material from the Black Students for Revolution Records contains photographs, videos, flyers, newspaper articles, social media records, and web clippings related to BSFR operations, protests, walkouts, and educational events.
  • Blair Kling Papers (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates of the Blair Kling Papers contains digitized audio cassette tapes of oral interviews conducted by Blair Kling and undergraduate students as a part of a history seminar Kling taught in 1978. Topics include academic freedom and the resignation of President George Stoddard from the University in 1953.
  • Board of Education for Librarianship Minutes
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital copies of Minutes of open, closed, scheduled and informal meetings of the Board of Education for Librarianship and its predecessor, the Temporary Library Training Board (1924), including stenographer's transcripts of discussions concerning organization, staff, budgets, goals, procedures and functions of the board; meeting attendance; official business; nominations, voting and resolutions; committee appointments; publicity; agendas and reports; and relating to minimum standards for library schools, library school curricula, issues and publications in the field of education for librarianship, reports on library schools seeking accreditation and accreditation visits, grants and fellowships and scholarships for librarianship.
  • Board of Trustees Meetings Biennial Reports (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Board of Trustees Meetings Biennial Reports (Digital Surrogates), 1867-2011, contains digitized copies of the University of Illinois Board of Trustees reports due to the Governor of Illinois, covering a period since the University foundation in 1867. Digitized material concern major decisions over board conformation and changes, University budgets, faculty designation and salary as well as salary policies, Campus management and improvement, different programs' curriculum design and revision, policies on research sponsorship and patents, and agreements with other institutions. Materials were digitized in a large-scale digitization project conducted by the University Library in 2007.
  • Bob Riley Landscape Architecture Collection
    Ricker Library of Architecture and Art  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Robert B. Riley graduated from the University of Chicago with a degree in philosophy, and subsequently went on to study under Mies van der Rohe at MIT where he received his Bachelor of Architecture. After a decade of private practice, he entered academia, teaching at the University of New Mexico, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, the University of Melbourne, and Harvard University. He has served as chair of the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, the Environmental Design Research Association, and the Board of Senior Research Fellows at Dumbarton Oaks/Harvard University. He has been associate editor of Landscape and editor of Landscape Journal. These images are drawn from his extensive collection amassed over fifty years of teaching and travel. While some are pulled from secondary sources, many are original to Professor Riley. The strength of this collection is its breadth and diversity, including the last three decades of professional landscape design from around the world, townscapes and landscapes from Hangzhou to St. Petersburg, classic European and Asian gardens, aerial views of settlement patterns and landscapes, and the popular and vernacular landscapes of North America.
  • Boneyard Book Mathematical Problems (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates of the Boneyard Book Mathematical Problems includes the Boneyard Book, a blank book volume placed in the Mathematics Library by Mathematics faculty and listing mathematical problems posed for solution or response by mathematics students and faculty and containing name of poser, date, nature of problem, equations, or statements containing responses.
  • Boneyard Creek (Champaign-Urbana, Illinois) Select Management Documents (1915-2000)
    ACES (Funk) Library   ·   Digital Special Collections
    The Boneyard Creek is a stream in the Vermilion watershed located in Champaign County, IL, flowing into the Saline Branch of the Salt Fork River, which in turn flows into the Vermilion River. The Boneyard basin contains portions of Urbana, Champaign, and the University of Illinois campus, and the creek's watershed is completely urbanized. Flooding and water quality have been issues of concern for the communities through which it flows. This collection includes documents relating to the Boneyard Creek's history, restoration, maintenance, development, and stormwater drainage from the Boneyard Creek Bibliography created by Illinois State Water Survey Librarian Pat Gobert, in 1998. Gobert provided detailed annotations for published and unpublished documents dating from 1915 to 1998 which described the history and management of the stream. Materials covered in the bibliography were held in the Illinois State Water Survey Library. Gobert's bibliography was used as the basis for this digital collection; those documents which were not restricted by copyright are were digitized by the University Library. Related resource: Boneyard Creek Bibliography
  • Boris Balinsky Memoirs (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Boris Balinsky Memoirs (Digital Surrogates), 1988, contains digitized copies of Balinsky's typewritten memoir. Digitized materials are divided in files arranged according with topical areas covered in the original document: introduction; childhood; russian civil war; Balinsky's studies on entomology and family matters; imprisonment of his wife Katia; his life in Kiev, in Germany, and in Scotland; his experience at Munich at the University of United Nations Repatriation and Rehabilitation Administration; the role of music in Balynsky's life; the beginning of his scientific career; the period of his life he calls "Years of prosperity"; families Stengel and Gruber; Family Syngayevsky; and other Travels. Memoirs cover a period approximately form 1905 to 1949.
  • Bruce Hannon Papers (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from Bruce Hannon Papers include photographs regarding the construction of a Champaign County reservoir, 2009 Champaign County Clock Tower Move, Masonry stabilization and restoration, and the 2008 Todd Frahm Gargoyles.
  • Building and Statue Dedication Programs (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Building and Statue Dedication Programs (Digital Surrogates), 1871, includes a digitized dedication program (1871) for the Cornerstone Laying ceremony of the new University building and for the inauguration of the Mechanic and Military Hall. The original program can be found at record series 2/0/808
  • Building History Logs (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates of Building History Logs include budgets, enrollment information, capital request information by building, a tree planting program, and statistics relating to employees, buildings, parking, and housing data. Volumes also include information about University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus and Chicago Circle campus by individual building including gross and net square footage, year completed, architect, contractor. Additional info for buildings includes appropriation of funds, information on construction, and statements on use of spaces.
  • Burma Projects Files (Digital Surrogates)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digitized materials from the Association of College and Research Libraries' Burma Projects File including correspondence, memoranda, addresses, financial statements, reports, receipts, and summaries pertaining to the establishment (under ALA supervision, with Ford Foundation sponsorship) of a Social Science Library at the University of Rangoon and a University Library at the University of Mandalay, Burma. The Rangoon project was supervised (on location) by Paul Bixler (1958-60) and Joseph H. Reason (1961-62); the Mandalay project was supervised by Jay Daily (1952-62). Other correspondents include Richard B. Harwell, David H. Clift, Robert B. Downs, Raynard Swank, Mark M. Gormley, J.A. Quinn, and Helen Hlaing Hlaing Cho, U Maung Kyaw, U Kaung Nyunt, Daw Khin Khin Ohn, U Maung Maung, Myint Myint Khyn, U Myo Lwin, and U Ohn Pe who studied at American library schools.
  • CAC & ERG Documents Manuscript File (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Manuscripts of the Center for Advanced Computation and the Energy Research Group written on energy conservation, energy policy, fuel economics, economic impacts, pollution. (CAC Technical Memoranda changed to ERG Technical Memoranda and CAC Documents changes to ERG Documents (ca. Aug. 1978).
  • Campus, Community, and State Maps (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Campus, Community, and State Maps (Digital Surrogates), 1874-2009, includes materials digitized from the University of records series 0/1/807. Digitized materials include the Map of University Property; campus maps with north, south or whole campus views; campus plans and master plans (1986, 1989, 1990, 1996, 1999, 2001 and 2007); maps of campus farms, College of Agriculture buildings, and swine/sheep farms; general campus maps from Engineering, Utility Services, and the Operation and Maintenance Division; campus parking maps with parking regulations; amplified maps of campus sectors; and traffic sign surveys. An access copy is available in online and nearline files. Online files: Includes downsampled maps and plans, as well as computer aided desgin files. Materials are arranged in separate folders and are available at the URL listed above. Nearline files: Original/full resolution copies of all files are available. Please contact the University of Illinois Archives to request access.
  • Campus Folksong Club Oral Histories Project (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Campus Folksong Club Oral Histories Project (Born Digital Records), 2006-2007, includes interviews of Doyle Moore, Archie Green, Judy McCulloh, Fritz Plous, Viktor Lukas, Jarvis Rich, Glenn Ohrlin, Jonathan Allen, Neil Rosenberg, and Lyle Mayfield, who are former students, faculty and associates, and performers with ties to the University Folksong Club. Interviews concern these individuals' academic and professional backgrounds; their valuable perspective on the Campus Folksong Club; the Club's role in the folksong movement of the 1960s and the role it played in their lives. Materials also include consent forms, and working notes taken by project director Tracie Wilson. For more information about the Campus Folksong Club, see the CFC Oral History Summary in the Reference Materials folder. Audio recordings are available in the Club's website through the link provided above, and interview transcripts are available upon request.