University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The items in the Digital Collections of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Library contain materials which represent or depict sensitive topics or were written from perspectives using outdated or biased language. The Library condemns discrimination and hatred on any grounds. As a research library that supports the mission and values of this land grant institution, it is incumbent upon the University Library to preserve, describe, and provide access to materials to accurately document our past, support learning about it, and effect change in the present. In accordance with the American Library Association’s Freedom to Read statement, we do not censor our materials or prevent patrons from accessing them.

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American Library Association’s Freedom to Read Statement

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility at the University Library
Collection Structure
Resource Type
Showing 241–280 of 761 collections
  • Campus Folksong Club Records (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Campus Folksong Club Records (Digital Surrogates), 1961-1970, contains digitized copies of the newsletter Autoharp, the Organ of the Campus Folksong Club. Digitized material involves Folksong Club description and constitution statement; news and announcements; folksong music sheets and lyrics; varied articles; events postings and programs.
  • Carl H. Milam Papers (Digital Surrogates)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital surrogates of the papers of Carl H. Milam, including manuscripts of Milam's planned book on library careers.
  • Carl H. Milam's American Library in Paris Correspondence (Digital Surrogates)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Correspondence files of ALA Executive Secretary Carl H. Milam concerning the American Library in Paris. The correspondence covers the period from two years after ALP's incorporation in 1920 through World War II and concerns plans, goals, projects and activities of ALP, financial status and budgets, selection and evaluation of ALP staff and trustees, the monthly literary review Ex Libris (inaugurated in 1923), the Reference Service on International Affairs, the Paris Library School and the Service to Soliders during World War II. Principal correspondents are ALP directors W. Dawson Johnston (1922-25), Burton Stevenson (1926-30), Robert Davis (1931- 34), Helen Latrap (1935) and Dorothy M. Reeder (1936-41); chairmen of the American Committee for the ALP Henry N. MacCracken (1923-24) and Earle B. Babcock (1924); president of the trustees Edward A. Sumner (1939-45) and other members of the Board of Trustees.
  • Carl Sandburg Collection
    Rare Book & Manuscript Library  ·   Digital Special Collections
    The more than 2,700 photographs in this collection are scanned from the Carl Sandburg Collection housed in The Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Spanning the years 1893-1987, these images are part of a collection that includes typescripts and galley proofs of many of Sandburg's works, his correspondence with literary and public figures, recordings and transcriptions of Sandburg's radio broadcasts, and a supporting book collection of approximately 5,000 volumes.
  • Carl Stephens Manuscript, History of the University of Illinois (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Carl Stephens Manuscript, History of the University of Illinois (Digital Surrogates), 1946-1947, contains a digitized manuscript by Carl Stephens that recounts the history of the University of Illinois and its students from its founding in 1867 to 1947. Digitized material contains penciled marginal notations and a handwritten revision note.
  • Carl Woese Papers (Born Digital Records and Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Electronic records from the Carl Woese Papers (1960, 1988-2012), include digital surrogates and born-digital drafts of manuscripts, correspondence, biographical sketches, laboratory notes and notebooks, and genomic research data concerning Carl R. Woese's career as Professor of Microbiology, his research on evolution, microbiology, genetic code, and ribosomal RNA sequencing, winning the Craaford Prize in Biosciences in 2003, and the legacy of Archaea. Also includes digital surrogates of Professor Woese's laboratory notebook from General Electric (1960).
  • Caroline Webster Papers, 1917-1921 (Digital Surrogates)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital surrogates of the Papers of Caroline Webster as assistant to the director of the Library War Service head of the Hospital Library Service, and member of the Committee on an Enlarged Program for American Library Service containing correspondence with the American Red Cross (1918-1921); with Gertrude Rider of the committee on Work with the Blind, the New York Association for the Blind, and the Perkins Institute for the Blind (1919-1920); with dispatch offices (1919- 1920); concerning the establishment of public libraries in the Virgin Islands (1917, 1919-1920); with the Hospital Library Service personnel (1919-1921); postwar library service correspondence with national organizations (1919-1921); postwar library service records (1919-20).
  • Carrie E. Ober Letter (Digitized Content)
    Illinois History and Lincoln Collections  ·   Digital Special Collections
    The digitized content of the Carrie E. Ober Letter consists of one letter from Carrie Ober to her cousin, Isa. Carrie E. Ober and her husband, Albert Ober, moved from Beverly, Massachusetts, to Three Oaks, Michigan, around 1870. The recipient of her letter, Carrie’s cousin Ida, lived in Massachusetts. Three Oaks is a village in Southwest Michigan that had a stop on a high-traffic route of the Michigan Central Railroad. The digitized content contains one letter dated October 14, 1871, from Carrie Ober to her cousin, Isa. The letter describes the outbreak of fires in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Illinois, including the Great Chicago Fire, and recounts details such as causalities and acres of land burned. The Illinois History and Lincoln Collections unit at the University of Illinois Library manages the physical items of the Carrie E. Ober Letter (MS 1059). The collection was completely digitized in 2020. For more information, contact an archivist at
  • La Casa Cultural Latina Publications (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Publications of La Casa Cultural Latina including: La Carta Informativa newsletter (1979-85, 1991-1993, 1998), La Carta newsletter (1986-1990, 1994-1996 2000, 2002-2004, 2006), El Boletin (1992-1993, 1995-97), The Literary Magazine (1982-91, 2004), Nuestra Carta (1994), Llamado de Alerta (1998), newsclippings, and other publications.
  • La Casa Cultural Latina Records (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates of the La Casa Cultural Latina Records includes digitized interviews from the Latino Input with Roberto Hernandez, Dan Perrino, and Dr. Henry Trebaj, 1974-75
  • CAS/MillerComm Lecture Recordings (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates of CAS/MillerComm Lecture Recordings includes digitized audiocassette recordings of lectures given at the University of Illinois part of the CAS/MillerComm series.
  • Cataloging and Metadata Management Section Committee Files (Digital Surrogates)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital surrogates of files of Cataloging and Metadata Management Section committees and subcommittees, contains correspondence, reports and related material on projects and activities, committees include the Board on Personnel Administration and committees on Cataloging and Classification, Descriptive Cataloging, Dewey Decimal Classification, Committee on Cooperation with Lake Placid Foundation (1929-1948), Editorial Policy, Filing Rules, Policy and Research (1982-1992), Regional Groups, Relations with ALA and the Journal of Cataloging and Classification, Subject Analysis and Organization of Library Materials (1970-98), the Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA) (1979-94), and the Joint Steering Committee on AACR2 (1988-94), includes Gordon & Breach vs. Barschall litigation (1989-90).
  • Cavagna Sangiuliani Collection
    Rare Book & Manuscript Library  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani (1843-1913) was a public official, book collector, and recognized authority on the history of the Lombardy and Piedmont regions in northern Italy. His library contained tens of thousands of books on history, genealogy, biography, and law, including city statutes and organizational bylaws. The manuscripts in the collection especially reflect the study of local history and include charters, chronicles, investitures, leases, and other legal instruments relating to Italian cities, organizations, and families. All aspects of Italian history, from the Middle Ages to the first years of the twentieth century, are prominently represented in the Cavagna Sangiuliani Collection. Other topics which are heavily represented include art and architecture, church history and hagiography, engineering and fortification, military and religious orders, monasticism and religious life, Roman history and antiquities, and Italian academies and universities. Primarily in Italian, the collection also contains works in Latin, French, and German. Among the books in the collection are incunables, rare and early printed books, pamphlets, and ephemera. Many of the historical documents are unique and found in no other library worldwide. In addition, the Cavagna Sangiuliani Collection also contains several thousand maps, both printed and manuscript.
  • CEMREL Aesthetic Education Program Audio Recordings (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    CEMREL Aesthetic Education Program Audio Recordings include reel-to-reel and cassette tapes used by aesthetic educational programs and projects in the research and development of curriculum packages and final production copies of audio recordings that formed part of published curricular packages. Digtized audio recordings include "Critical Audience" interviews with Chicago Sun-Times movie critic Roger Ebert (in New York City on October 1, 1974), Cecil Smith, and Charles Champlin (1974).
  • Center for Advanced Study Audiovisual Materials (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Center for Advanced Study Audioviual Material includes digitized tapes of music regarding the Tiananamen Square Protests.
  • Center on Democracy in a Multiracial Society (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Center on Democracy in a Multiracial Society (Born Digital Records), 2002-2011, includes grant submissions, newsletters, brochures, budgets, minutes, reports, presentations, publications, and photographs concerning racial diversity on campus, student voting, hate crimes, civic diversity, health disparities, and racial discrimination. The files include a copy of the CDMS production website and office files organized into the following folders: Access-for-Students; Current-GRANTS; EWI; files; and web. A snapshot version of the CDMS website is available at the URL listed below. A .zip file containing files that cannot be placed online due to copyright or other reasons is available from the University Archives upon request. The files in the zip packet include a copy of the CDMS production website and office files organized into the following folders: Access-for-Students; Current-GRANTS; EWI; files; and website.
  • Central Illinois Jewish Communities Oral History Project Collection
    Illinois History and Lincoln Collections  ·   Digital Special Collections
    The born digital content of the Central Illinois Jewish Communities Oral History Collection consists of interviews with Jewish individuals who resided in Illinois during the mid-to-late 20th century, with a focus on members of small to midsized Jewish communities in central Illinois. The collection reflects the lived experiences of Jewish Illinoisans and documents the history of Jewish communities in the state. Interviews typically discuss religious practices, education, community and faith-based organizations, immigration, and Jewish identity. The born digital content includes MP3 audio files of interviews and PDF files of interview transcriptions. The Illinois History and Lincoln Collections unit at the University of Illinois Library manages the items of the Illinois Jewish Communities Oral History Collection. Interviews were primarily collected by the Illinois History and Lincoln Collections starting in 2023; however, interviews conducted by community interviewers in 2022 are also included. For more information, contact an archivist at
  • Champaign County Greenways and Trails Committee Plan and Maps (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Champaign County Greenways and Trails Committee Plan and Maps (Born Digital Records), 2004, contains the Champaign County Greenways and Trails Plan, prepared by the Champaign County Regional Planning Commission. The plan includes Champaign- Urbana - Savoy greenways and trails system maps in relation to recreation-based places of interest, the transportation system and frequent traffic generators.
  • Champaign-Urbana Historic Built Environment
    Champaign County Historical Archives (Urbana Free Library)  ·   Digital Special Collections
    The Illinois Built Environment collection provides to the public a first-hand view of select original documents used to shape the Campus. Among others, items include hand sketches of campus plans, original trace and linen drawings of many of the Central Quadrangle buildings, four separate proposed sketches for the original Library, now known as Altgeld Hall, and watercolor renderings for the display of the Alma Mater and many buildings. This collection will grow over time as more original drawings, sketches and renderings are released for public use. Collection size: approximately 270 items. Digitization of this collection was conducted by The Urbana Free Library, with funding provided by a Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant awarded by the Illinois State Library, an Office of the Secretary of State, with funds provided by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act. Access the full collection here:
  • Chancellor's Issuances (Digital Surrogates and Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates and Born Digital Records of the Chancellor's Issuances includes Strategic Plans of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and a message from Chancellor Richard Herman.
  • Chancellor's Office Subject File
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Chancellor's Office Subject File, 1967-86, includes reports, memoranda, policy statements, minutes, publications, programs and correspondence received from or sent to the President, Trustees, administrators, deans, faculty, students and the public regarding admissions and enrollment, Allerton Park, the Assembly Hall, Athletic Association, business affairs, and University's Centennial (1967-68), Clabaugh Act, commencement, copyrights and patent's, Daily Illini, data processing, the George A. Miller Lecture Committee, fees and tuition, relations with the federal , state and local governments (Chicago & Urbana-Champaign), financial aid, foreign students, fund drives, grants, housing, health service, human rights and equal opportunity, international programs, Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, Illini Union, student demonstrations and moratoria, rumor control center, sabbatical leaves, the Urbana-Champaign senate, SEOP Project "500", traffic and parking, travel policy visitation, the academic departments and educational organizations including AAUP, AAUW, ACE, Council of Ten, MUCIA, National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, and Illinois Board of Higher Education. 1972-74 files include material dealing with academic credit for religious foundation courses; planning, construction, and dedication of the Levis Faculty Center; the revised Code on Student Affairs; Department of Accountancy Administrative problems, Graduate College and women's athletics. 1975-76 files include material dealing with the Council on Program Evaluation (COPE) and copies of Directives to Deans, Directors, and Department Heads from the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellors (1967-79). 1982-83 files include material on the Liberty Bowl; restrictions imposed on writers at the Daily Illini; Third Annual Black Women's Conference at Levi Faculty Center, creation of radio station WMBL. The 1983-84 file includes material relating to the Athletic Association and David Wilson; Chicago Campus consolidation and reorganization of the medical campus, Ad-Hoc Committee on the Future of International Programs; and COPE reports for Colleges of Agriculture, Education, LAS, and Law, and the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations.
  • Channing-Murray Foundation Records (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates of the Channing-Murray Foundation Records includes A History of Channing-Murray Foundation by Jane Anderson.
  • Charles B. Norton and S. Hastings Grant Papers (Digital Surrogates)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital copies of the Papers of Charles B. Norton (1825-91), editor of Norton's Literary Gazette and Publishers' Circular, and S. Hastings Grant (1828- 1910), librarian of the Mercantile Library Association of New York, contains correspondence and statistical forms concerning periodical subscriptions, gifts of the Literary Register, library statistics and information, and arrangements for and proceedings of the Librarians' Convention of September 1853, includes correspondence with Charles C. Jewett (Smithsonian), Daniel C. Gilman (Yale), Reuben A. Guild (Brown), William S. Rhees (Smithsonian), James Green (Baltimore Mercantile Library Association), John W. Dean (Boston), Edward Capen (Boston Public Library ), Samuel Haven (American Antiquarian Association), John Tappan (University of Michigan Library), William P. Curtis (Mercantile Library Association, St. Louis), Philip Forbes and W.S. Butler (New York Society Library), R. H. Stephenson (Cincinnati Mercantile Library Association), Lloyd P. Smith (Library Company of Philadelphia), and E.C. Arnold (Young Men's Association, Milwaukee).
  • Charles Chiniquy Collection (Digitized Content)
    Illinois History and Lincoln Collections  ·   Digital Special Collections
    The digitized content of the Charles Chiniquy Collection (1878-1909) consists of correspondence from Charles Chiniquy, John Carroll Power, and others to Edwin A. Sherman; one from Sherman; and a small collection of leaflets and broadsides. Subjects include the Roman Catholic Church, Abraham Lincoln, and the activities of the Lincoln Grand Guard of Honor, an organization founded to protect the tomb of Abraham Lincoln. Charles Chiniquy (1809-1899) was a Canadian Catholic priest who left the Catholic Church in 1858 and became strongly anti-Catholic. In 1885 he wrote a book entitled Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, in which he charged that the Vatican was behind the Confederate cause and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Edwin A. Sherman was an American soldier, miner, and resident of the Western states, notable for serving as the Commander in Chief of the Lincoln Grand Guard of Honor and for being vigorously anti-Catholic. His book, The Engineers of Hell: or, Rome’s Sappers and Miners (1883), purported to uncover and tell the story of the secret code of the Jesuits and their plans for world domination. The digitized content contains letters, primarily from Charles Chiniquy, but also from others, addressed to Edwin A. Sherman. It also contains a few letters from Sherman to members of the Lincoln Grand Guard of Honor. Also included are a few broadsides, leaflets, and circulars related to the books published by Sherman and Chiniquy. The Illinois History and Lincoln Collections unit at the University of Illinois Library manages the physical items of the Charles Chiniquy Collection (MS 134). The collection was completely digitized in 2023. For more information, contact an archivist at
  • Charles C. Stewart Papers (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates from the Charles C. Stewart Papers contain digitized manuscripts in Arabic, pertaining to the Mauritanian Manuscripts Collection. This material is part of Professor Stewart's research material and was digitized by the University Archives. An access copy of the digitized manuscripts is available upon request.
  • Charles E. Mudie Papers, 1816-1897
    Rare Book & Manuscript Library  ·   Digital Special Collections
    The Charles E. Mudie Digital Collection is comprised of correspondence, visual materials, and documents. This gathering of materials shed light on the management of Mudie’s Select Library, an innovative library that pioneered the concept of a circulating system operated by membership, as well as Mudie’s wide network of subscribers. The correspondence between Mudie, his family, and prominent 19th century literary English figures provides an ample view of the literary and publishing milieu during the Victorian era.
  • Charles E. Osgood Papers (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates of the Charles E. Osgood Papers includes correspondence with Wilbur Schramm.
  • Charles F. D. Belden Papers
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital copies of the papers of Charles F. D. Belden, ALA president (1925-36), contains personal and official correspondence, clippings, reports, memorabilia, photographs, promotional materials, lists, outlines, conference papers, leaflets, posters, book, statistics and exhibit materials, includes personal affairs (1926-27), the ALA 50th anniversary conference (1925-26), the Swampscott Conference (1921), the Enlarged Program (1919-20), Library War Service (1917-19), the Magnolia Conference (1902), the ALA Publishing Board (1904-14), copyright (1906), the ALA correspondence of Horace G. Wadlin (librarian, Boston Public Library) (1903-16), and Leipzig Exhibit (1914).
  • Charles Meyerson Papers (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Consists of Charles Meyerson's photographs of campus life, WPGU, the Urbana City Council, the dance marathon, U of I bands, and Unit One/Allen Hall in 1975. Also includes a paper written by Meyerson for LAS 210, "The Sense of the Unit," (1974) an analysis on the Unit One experiment, which serves as a companion to this radio documentary:
  • Charles M. Thompson Papers (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates of the Charles M. Thompason papers includes The Lincoln Way, 1913.
  • Charles R. Green Papers (Digital Surrogates)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digitized copies of the Charles R. Green Papers, relating to Green's service as Assistant Librarian at the Camp Library, Camp Johnston, Florida, contains photographs of the library and its interior floor plans, a map of the camp showing proposed sites for the library with comments written on the map describing the functions of the buildings and the areas, official camp orders, camp handbook, and correspondence with the ALA Library War Service Headquarters.
  • Charles Robertson Papers (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates from the papers of Charles Robertson (1858-1935) including two bound volumes containing all of his publications and his specimen collection log books. The log books document insect specimens collected by Charles Robertson. Recorded information includes specimen number, scientific name of specimen, sex of specimen, date of collection, locality, insect order, host plant scientific name, and notes.
  • Charles Zeleny Papers (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates of the Charles Zeleny Papers include correspondence and publicesions related to zoological research.
  • Chester P. Siess Papers
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Papers of Chester Paul Siess (1916-2004), 1933-2004, M.S. 1939, Ph.D. 1948, including the American Concrete Institute Committee 318 files on the ACI Building Code Requirements for reinforced concrete, meeting minutes, membership lists, and subjects such as materials and testing, shear and bond, flexure, and columns. Dr. Siess served as a committee member from 1953-1997. Additions include files concerning Dr. Siess' work with the Chicago Parks District on the Grant Park Garage, Erico Cadweld rebar splices, Midwest Prestressed Concrete, Laclede Steel Company, Proctor and Gamble, and other companies as well as his involvement with the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM), the American Concrete Institute (ACI), and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Materials concerning his tenure at the University of Illinois include class rosters, schedules, and notes. Correspondents file materials include letters, newspaper articles, greeting cards, business cards, and corporate publications. Correspondents include H. M. Newmark, Mehte Sozen, Joseph Colaco, and others. Personal materials include Dr. Siess' retirement scrapbook, photographs, and memorials. Also included in the collection are Dr. Siess' fieldbooks.
  • Chicago Library Annual Reports (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Chicago Library Annual Reports (Digital Surrogates), 1947-1974, contains digitized copies of the Chicago Library summary reports on the progress of the library, staff and organizations acquisition program, cataloging program, physical changes, gifts and important acquisitions, change of location, library improvements and difficulties, and supplementary statistical information.
  • Chinese American Librarians Association Subject Files (Digital Surrogates)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital copies from the Chinese-American Librarians Association Subject File, including the 1985-88 conference programs, and 1982-2000 newsletters.
  • Chronology of Campus Protests (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Chronology of Campus Protests (Digital Surrogate) contains a 10 page anonymous typescript held by the Library bookstacks listing campus and community events from 1948 through 1972 relating to free speech, political protests, civil rights and anti Vietnam war demonstrations, and community, union, and voting initiatives. Political and social issues include the Clabaugh act, DuBois Club, Leo Koch case, Dow Chemical recruitment on campus, police and National Guard action in response to student protests, Black Students Association, Project 500, Students for a Democratic Society, Jenner hearings, Earthworks cooperative, tenant union, and voter registration.
  • Chuck Olin Digital Film Archive
    History, Philosophy, and Newspaper Library  ·   Digital Special Collections
    The Chuck Olin Digital Film Archive consists of production elements from two PBS-broadcast documentaries: "In Our Own Hands: The Hidden Story of the Jewish Brigade in World War II," and "Is Jerusalem Burning? Myth, Memory and the Battle of Latrun." Both films, relying primarily on first-person accounts, tell the story of critical episodes in the formation of the nation-state of Israel. The unedited versions of the first-person accounts contained in the collection offer the student or scholar a unique set of primary-source material. Collection size: 8 interviews. BibID: 5791425
  • CIC-AID Rural Development Research Project File (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    CIC-AID Rural Development Research Project File (Digital Surrogates), 1961-1963, contains end-of-tour, consultant, executive visit, progress, annual & final project reports; expenditure summaries; training proposals. The project covered 68 rural development contracts in 39 countries undertaken by 35 land grant universities. Contracts included overseas advisory service to host institutions by American university staff members, study in the U.S. by host institution staff (participant training) & commodity assistance to the host institution. The digital surrogates are the Utah and Iran end-of-tour and evaluation report files.
  • Civil War Maps
    Map Library  ·   Digital Special Collections
    The Civil War Maps collection contains maps of the entire United States, regions, individual states, and specific locations. Maps showing actions, events, and situations during the war as well as maps created immediately before and after the war are included. Please contact the Map Library with questions regarding these items via e-mail at or by calling 217-333-0827.