University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The items in the Digital Collections of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Library contain materials which represent or depict sensitive topics or were written from perspectives using outdated or biased language. The Library condemns discrimination and hatred on any grounds. As a research library that supports the mission and values of this land grant institution, it is incumbent upon the University Library to preserve, describe, and provide access to materials to accurately document our past, support learning about it, and effect change in the present. In accordance with the American Library Association’s Freedom to Read statement, we do not censor our materials or prevent patrons from accessing them.

If you have questions regarding this statement or any content in the Library’s digital collections, please contact

American Library Association’s Freedom to Read Statement

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility at the University Library
Collection Structure
Resource Type
Showing 321–360 of 761 collections
  • Delta Sigma Omicron Records (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Delta Sigma Omicron Records (Digital Surrogates), 1948-2007, contains statements, reports, forms, correspondence, handwritten notes, and bylaws concerning the creation, operation and activities of the Rehabilitation Service fraternity Delta Sigma Omicron, including membership statement, achievements, as well as fraternity events and meetings (1948 -1953). Major correspondents include Willard D. Holloway (Fraternity president) and Professor Timothy J. Nugent (Director of Rehabilitation Education Services) These materials were digitized by the Digital Content Creation Unit in 2011. Digitized copies of Sigma Signs, the Delta Sigma Omicron publication are available through the Internet Archive at: Digitized copies available cover the period 1949 -2007
  • Demitri B. Shimkin Papers (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates of the Demitri B. Shimkin Papers includes manuscirpts concerning a history of the Uralic and Samoyedic-Yukagiric Culture.
  • Departmental History Records (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates from the Departmental History Records include a digitized report, concerning the history, equipment, faculty, students, announcements and courses of the Department of Chemistry for years 1916 and 1917. The report was printed as a bulletin on February 21, 1916. Note: The digitized material includes only the first 33 pages of the 108 pages that constitute the hard copy report, held at the University Archives. For more information, please see this Series main catalog record.
  • Departmental Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from Departmental Papers contains a PDF of the Self Evaluation Report for Re-accreditation for the Forest Science Program for the Society of American foresters.
  • Department of Physics’ Annual Reports Records (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates from the Department of Physics' Annual Reports Records, 1907-1980, include reports and correspondence concerning departmental activities, courses taught, research conducted, teaching assignments, departmental visitors, speakers, budget and location needs. Note: The original copy of the annual report for 1966-1967 can be found in Record Series 11/1/3.
  • Department of Psychology History (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates of the Department of Psychology History includes a brief historical sketch of the Department of Psychology by Mrs. Phyllis Steward, secretary to Department Head Lloyd Humphreys, covering department heads Stephen Colvin (1901-12), Madison Bentley (1912-28), Herbert Woodrow (1928-50), Lyle Lanier (1950-59), and Lloyd Humphreys (1959- ); prominent faculty; enrollments; research grants and graduate work.
  • Digital Emblematica
    Rare Book & Manuscript Library  ·   Digital Special Collections
    The Digital Emblematica collection highlights a fraction of the internationally renowned emblem book collection owned by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Published in Germany, France, Italy, Spain and England, each digitized book can contain up to 1,500 emblems to peruse. These 17th and 18th Century creations typically link together three constitutive elements — a motto, an illustration or "pictura" in the form of a woodcut or engraving, and an explanatory poem or "subscriptio."
  • Digital Rare Book Collection
    Rare Book & Manuscript Library  ·   Digital Special Collections
    The RBML Digital Rare Books Collection offers a comprehensive selection of titles from our distinctive collections. The collection features exemplars from our collections of medieval manuscripts, incunabula, renaissance, and other early imprints, as well as a great variety of subjects representing a good balance between the sciences and the humanities. These titles also showcase a wide variety of printing and binding technologies that are idiosyncratic to the history of the book.
  • Digitized Books
    Library General Collections  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digitized Books is a web service that tracks what items from the UIUC general collections have been digitized and made available in the HathiTrust Digital Library (, the Internet Archive (, and the library's corporate partners.
  • Division of Rehabilitation Education Services Subject File (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital surrogates from the Division of Rehabilitation Education Services Subject File, 1949 -1997, contain selected digitized correspondence; event programs; speeches; newspapers clippings; acceptance letters and orientation bulletins for accepted students with disabilities; and annual reports, concerning the Division of Rehabilitation Education Services' (DRES) operations, programs, projects and achievements. Topics cover specific facilities and equipment required; accessibility and required modifications in campus buildings; physical rehabilitation program; special services' evolution from war veteran exclusive to non-veteran students with disabilities; program replication in other domestic and foreign universities; Greyhound buses donation; and fundraising for bus-adaptation project. Major correspondents include UIUC staff and faculty Robert G. Bone, Ronald L. Graffouiliere and Tim J. Nugent, and Caesar Orville, President of Greyhound Bus lines. Materials were digitized by the Digital Content Creation Unit in 2011.
  • Donald W. Kerst Papers (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates of the Donald W. Kerst includes correspondence concerning Midwest Universities Research Association (MURA) developement.
  • Donald W. Krummel Papers (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Oral history interview with Don Krummel in 2016 including recorded interview concerning the creation and teaching of library history at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, the history of growing the library and the library science program at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and the individuals who were key in growing the field of library history at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
  • DRES Films and Videotapes Audiovisual Records. 1949 (Digital Surrogates), 1959-1975
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates from the DRES Films and Videotapes Audiovisual Records, include promotional news clips, interviews with students from the Division of Rehabilitation Education Service (DRES), and informational videos and films concerning employment opportunities, job placement, physical therapy, exercise, daily life in campus for students with disabilities, adaptive equipment, and athletic events. Video recordings include interviews with Professor Timothy J. Nugent (Counselor of rehabilitation).
  • Eames Family Letters (Digitized Content)
    Illinois History and Lincoln Collections  ·   Digital Special Collections
    The digitized content of the Eames family letters consists of ten letters primarily written by Stephen Eames of Knox County, Illinois to family and friends in Vermont and New Hampshire. Stephen Eames purchased land in Walnut Creek, Knox County, Illinois in 1839. Here he began a farm and built a log cabin. He kept in frequent touch with his family on the East Coast and updated them about his farm and health. The digitized content contains letters primarily written by Stephen Eames to family and friends regarding starting a farm, prices of crops, population growth in the area, and personal health. Eames writes about the advantages and disadvantages to farming in the area such as soil quality, fresh air, wild animals, and sickness along surrounding rivers. He describes Mormon settlements and his thoughts on them, as well as the founding of the Bishop Hill Swedish colony nearby. Other letters are written by Eames’ nephew, Darius Plumb, and his niece, Eveline Eames, to family members in New England. Darius Plumb writes from St. Louis just before his departure to the California gold fields. The Illinois History and Lincoln Collections unit at the University of Illinois Library manages the physical items of the Eames Family Letters (MS 605). The collection was completely digitized in 2019. For more information, contact an archivist at
  • Edgar J. Townsend Papers (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates of the Edgar J. Townsend Papers includes general incoming correspondance and a Townsend Family History including narrative and photographs.
  • Edgar L. Erickson Papers (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates of the Edgar L. Erickson Papers include correspondence, meeting programs, notes and minutes, articles, and drafts of articles with handwritten notes concerning the American Historical Association.
  • Ed Kieser Papers (Born Digital Records and Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records and Digital Surrogates from the Ed Kieser Papers, chief Meteorologist of WILL Radio (1987-2010), contain WILL radio broadcasts, including "Talk to Ed Kieser" segments, and "Tornadoes with Ed Kieser" videos; interview recordings; tornado films; presentation slides on tornado preparedness seminars, weather trends in Illinois and the U.S.; meteorological radar pictures of east central Illinois, and storm images. Streaming access to video recordings are also available at
  • Edmund J. James Publication Scrapbooks (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Edmund J. James Publication Scrapbooks (Digital Surrogates), 1905, contains digitized correspondence and memoranda, relating to a Memorandum sent by University President Edmund J. James to the President of the United States, concerning the sending of an educational commission to China, in the context of a process known as the Regeneration of China. For more information about President Edmund J. James publications and scrapbooks, see record series 2/5/13. And for additional information about President Edmund James, see Records Relating to Edmund J. James (1904-1920) at Archon catalogue.
  • Edward Caldwell Cherry Mine Disaster Research Collection (Born Digital and Digitized Content)
    Illinois History and Lincoln Collections  ·   Digital Special Collections
    The born digital and digitized content of the Edward Caldwell Cherry Mine Disaster Research Collection consists of research and source materials collected by Edward Caldwell related to the 1909 mining disaster in Cherry, Illinois, its victims, and the aftermath of the incident. Materials date from 1903 to 2007 and include publications, letters and diaries, compilations of newspaper articles, reports, photographs, and indexes of victims' names. Edward E. Caldwell (1930-2015) was an engineer with an interest in local history. He began collecting and organizing materials related to the Cherry Mine disaster in 1975 and continued gathering research for the next three decades. The Cherry Mine disaster, which resulted from a fire that started on November 13, 1909, in the Cherry, Illinois, coal mine, was the third most deadly coal mining tragedy in U.S. History, and 259 men and boys lost their lives. The born digital and digitized content contains digital copies of a variety of sources on the Cherry Mine disaster compiled by Caldwell. The sources include transcribed newspaper articles primarily from 1909-1910, publications dating from 1909 to 2007, official reports on the disaster and the response, the coroner's inquest, legal documents for the mine, transcribed diaries and letters, photographs of the mine and miners, and indices of victims' names to various sources. Online access to some documents and the photographs is restricted due to copyright. The Illinois History and Lincoln Collections unit at the University of Illinois Library manages the physical items of the Edward Caldwell Cherry Mine Disaster Research Collection (MS 515). Both born digital and digitized items were migrated from DVDs in 2017. For more information, contact an archivist at
  • Edwin B. Peebles Papers (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates of the Edwin B. Peebles Papers include sermons, church pamphlets, and correspondence concerning different religious leaders' communications with extraterrestrial beings and Biblical characters (via seances), whom they claim spoke to them and provided them with Biblical truths. Series also includes digitized seances conducted for Peebles.
  • Edwin C. Rae Papers (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Edwin C. Rae Papers (Digital Surrogates), 1945-1947, 1958, contains digitized pictures, albums, correspondence, certificates, catalogs, reports, and magazines related with the restoration and preservation of art and architecture pieces in Germany after World War II. Materials are related with distinctions received by Mr. Edwin C. Rae for his important contribution as Chief of Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives Section, at the Office of Military Government for Bavaria (Germany). Edwin C. Rae was an American specialist at Central Collecting Point, a depot used by the Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives program after the end of the Second World War. Materials also include a digitized copy of of Heute, a specialized illustrated art magazine (Number 9, April 1946); a handwritten music sheet; a handwritten diary, entitled "Moments, Fine Arts and Archives Work, Diary" (1945-1947, 1958) and a handwritten note with a food listings entitled "Train Special, 22. XII. 45, Wein - Budapest".
  • Eldon Ray James Oral History (Born Digital)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Oral History of Eldon Ray James (September 2023), retired librarian, ALA member, and formerly incarcerated person, recorded on September 12, 19, and 23, 2023, containing video and audio recordings, and transcripts. Recordings include information on James' childhood, military service, universities attended, employment, incarceration, becoming a librarian, work with Dr. Loriene Roy and ALA, the "Prisoners Right to Read," the Freedom to Read Honor Roll, reflections on his life, the library profession, and library services to incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people. Interview conducted by Deb Sica, Alameda County Library, questions developed by Deb Sica and Erin Berman, Alameda County Library.
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering Photograph and Video File (Born Digital Records and Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Electrical and Computer Engineering Photograph and Video File includes scanned and digital photos and videos concerning students, faculty, staff, alumni, events including banquets and student events, campus buildings, campus scenes, classrooms, and research.
  • Electronic Records of the Office for Intellectual Freedom, 1990-2008
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born-digital records from the Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) contain agendas, correspondence, conferences papers (annual and midwinter), budgets, member rosters, official forms, meeting minutes, memos, publications, speeches, manuals, reports, statements, photographs, posters, brochures, event programs, and newspaper reprints concerning the activities of the Intellectual Freedom Committee (IFC), The Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT), the Committee on Professional Ethics, and the Freedom to Read Foundation. Topical areas include of OIF's campaign Banned Books Week, Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA), ALA code of ethics and users' rights, public library internet use policy, internet filtering, intellectual property and privacy, internet access management in U.S. public libraries, and membership to the Committee on Professional Ethics.
  • Elisabeth Debar Russian Railway Letter File (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Elisabeth Debar Russian Railway Letter File includes correspondence, transcription notes, and photocopies concerning a letter written ca. 1890-1910 by Elisabeth Debar to her sister, Clara, following a five day train trip from Paris to St. Petersburg via train which includes accounts of travelling in 3rd class, meeting fellow international travellers, delays between Berlin and St. Petersburg, the Grand Duchess Anastasia [Mikhailovna of Russia] being on the same train, and arrival in St. Petersburg. The file contains the original letter as well as supporting materials concerning rail travel in the late 19th-early 20th centuries; genealogical records and marriage records from Mairie du Havre and Prefecture de Paris; and transcriptions of the letter.
  • Elisabeth Hanson Papers (Born Digital Content)
    Illinois History and Lincoln Collections  ·   Digital Special Collections
    The born digital content of the Elisabeth Hanson Papers consists of the digital records relating to Elisabeth Hanson, an amateur local researcher, and her research on the ecology, geography, and history of East Central Illinois and her 2012 book East Central Illinois: Exploring the Beginnings. Elisabeth Hanson was born November 2, 1917 in Columbia, Missouri. In 1945 Elisabeth moved to Champaign, Illinois, and became interested in researching the history of East Central Illinois. In 1967, Hanson began a study of the pre-settlement landscape of Piatt County, the first government land surveys of the area, and the first purchases of public lands. This study expanded to include ecological and cultural developments in East Central Illinois, and in 2012, Hanson published her book East Central Illinois: Exploring the Beginnings. Elisabeth died at age 98 in 2016. The born digital content contains a 2002 video interview of Elisabeth Hanson; a PDF of her book from 2014; and correspondence, research materials and other writings by Elisabeth Hanson from 1991-1998 including writings on Chief Illiniwek, local history, and Native Americans in Illinois. The content is organized into three folders: Interview with Elisabeth Hanson; Correspondence, Research Materials, and Other Writings; and PDF of East-Central Illinois: Exploring the Beginnings. The physical items of the Elisabeth Hanson Papers are managed by the Illinois History and Lincoln Collections at the University of Illinois Library. The born digital content comprises a portion of the Elisabeth Hanson Papers and was migrated from CDs and DVDs in 2018. For more information, contact an archivist at
  • Elmer Roberts Papers (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogats of the Elmer Roberts Papers includes correspondance, reports, and publications concerning James A. Hunter (B.S. in Agriculture, University of Illinois, 1914) and his interest in China.
  • E.M. Bails Collection (Digitized Content)
    Illinois History and Lincoln Collections  ·   Digital Special Collections
  • Endowment Fund Account Ledger
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital copy of the endowment fund account ledger of Charles C. Soule, Treasurer of the Trustees of the Endowment Fund of the ALA, contains a ledger book, includes dates of transactions, sources and objects of receipts and disbursements, and interest acquired on balance in the endowment fund, and records of major transactions affecting the endowment fund (pp. 100-109).
  • Engineering Experiment Station Bulletin Records (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Engineering Experiment Station Bulletin Records (Digital Surrogates), 1969, contains a digitized copy of the Engineering Experiment Bulletin number 500, relating to the research "Restraint Characteristics of Flexible Riveted and Bolted Beam-to-Column Connections" by C. W. Lewitt, E. Chesson Jr. and W. H. Munse. For more information about the Engineering Experiment Station Bulletin or the University Experiment Station, please see this Record Series catalog record in Archon.
  • Engineering Open House Records (Born Digital and Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital and Digital Surrogates from the Engineering Open House Records, contain pictures; videos; event posters, booklets, and programs; flyers; historical data; newspaper clippings; meeting minutes and agendas; correspondence; budgets; fund request forms; presentation slides; reports; rosters; guides; competition bylaws and descriptions; campus maps, plans and bus routes; certificates; and press releases; concerning the Engineering Open House (EOH). Additional material is available upon request, including photographs, sponsor logos, participants information, budgets, forms, and correspondence, concerning EOH and the Jerry Sanders Creative Design Competition (JS). Some files may require the use of specialized software for display and access.
  • Engineering Photographs and Negatives (Digital Surrogates), 1950-66, 1984
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Engineering Photographs and Negatives, 1950-66, 1984, include digital surrogates related to research in departments (e.g. the ILLIAC computers in the Digital Computer Lab, testing plasma jet generators in the Department of Aeronautical Engineering and laboratories, electrical engineering research in the Antenna Lab, and metallurgical and mining engineering research using Filar Micrometer microscopes equipped with relay lenses to measure length of metals at elevated temperatures) as well as faculty portraits (1984) by department.
  • Engineering Scrapbooks (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Engineering Scrapbooks (Digital Surrogates), 1894-1969, contains digitized scrapbooks including newspaper clippings, programs, invitations, article reprints, and photographs concerning the history of the College; the Railway Engineering program; engineering research; faculty and staff accomplishments and innovations; conferences, events, and symposia; and the activities of women faculty and students. This series also include faculty photograph portraits (1910). Additional scrapbooks from years 1924-1969 are not available online but have also been digitized and can be accessed upon request.
  • Environmental Health and Safety Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records of the Environmental Health and Safety Publications includes the 2019 Water Quality Report.
  • Ernest C. Faust Papers (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates of the Ernest Carroll Faust Papers includes Faust's correspondence with Zoology Professor Henry B. Ward relating to parasitology in China, Collection of specimens, publications, professional societies, positions, Dr. Charles W. Stiles, paragonimus, Human Helminthology and related topics.
  • Eugene Davenport Papers (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Eugene Davenport Papers includes correspondence and publications relating to agricultural studies and personal travels. Significant correspondence includes a letter from Abraham Lincoln to J. O. Cunningham, given to Eugene Davenport.
  • Evolving Archives Initiative Oral Histories audio recordings and transcriptions (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Evolving Archives Initiative Oral Histories audio recordings and transcriptions (Born Digital Records), 2012-, includes oral histories and transcripts from interviews with Anu Murphy, Associate Director of the NetMath program; Jill Gengler, GSLIS Help Desk Manager; Kathryn Luther Henderson, GSLIS faculty; William Henderson, Preservation Librarian; Linda Smith, GSLIS Associate Dean and Professor; and Sue Searing, Librarian for User Services and Associate Dean of Libraries. Materials relate to the interviewees' experiences at the University of Illinois both as a students and as Faculty.
  • Executive Director Subject File (Digital Surrogates)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital surrogates from the Executive Director's Subject File, including files on the Carnegie Corporation grants to the Canadian Library Council (1926-1946), Canadian library survey (1928-38), and a copy of the summary report of the National Advisory Commission on Libraries from December 1967.
  • Exercise Routine Demonstration Film Cartridges and Audio Cassettes (Digital Surrogate)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates of the Exercise Routine Demonstration Film Cartridges and Audio Cassettes contain audio cassettes and 8mm film cartridges to demonstrate therapist administered physical exercise routines related to movements of neck.
  • "Expanding Horizons", the History of Division of Rehabilitation-Education Services at the University of Illinois...
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    "Expanding Horizons", the History of Division of Rehabilitation-Education Services at the University of Illinois (Digital Surrogate), 1998, contains a complete digitized copy of this publication about the first 50 years of the DRES. Covers DRES' history, faculty biographies, photographs, related research projects, achievements and prospective plans. This material was digitized by the Digital Content Creation Unit in 2011.