University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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American Library Association’s Freedom to Read Statement

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility at the University Library
Collection Structure
Resource Type
Showing 41–80 of 761 collections
  • AALS Section on Balance in Legal Education Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Balance in Legal Education Publications contain material related to activities and administration of the Section, including copies of the newsletter Equipoise (2008-12, 2014, 2016, 2018), Section bylaws (2012), board rosters and officer listings (2012-13, 2016-18), calls for presenters (2016-18), and Section webinar videos Catch Them Before They Fall: Prevention and Early Identification of Student Burnout, Mindful Lawyering: The Key to Creative Problem Solving, Yoga: Aligning the Body to Still the Mind, Helping Ourselves: Conscious Coloring to Relieve Compassion Fatigue, and Becoming More Physically Active While Stuck Inside (2019-20), and executive committee statement on Black Lives Matter (2020).
  • AALS Section on Biolaw Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Biolaw Publications include electronic newsletters concerning the Section's activities and administration.
  • AALS Section on Business Associations Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records of the of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Business Association Publications contain newsletters pertaining to activities and administration of the Section and calls for papers for the Section's subsequent sessions at AALS annual meetings.
  • AALS Section on Children and the Law Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the AALS Section on Children and the Law Publications contain copies of newsletters concerning events, publications, academic discussions and administration of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Children and the Law Publications as well as a call for papers for the Section's session at the next AALS Annual Meeting.
  • AALS Section on Civil Procedure Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the AALS Section on Civil Procedure Publications contain copies of newsletters concerning activities, events, publications, and administration of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Civil Procedure and a call for papers to be presented at the Section's session at the next AALS Annual Meeting.
  • AALS Section on Civil Rights Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Civil Rights Publications contain copies of newsletters concerning the AALS Section on Civil Rights activities and administration and calls for papers to be presented at the Section's session at the next AALS Annual Meeting.
  • AALS Section on Clinical Legal Education Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the AALS Section on Clinical Legal Education Publications contain copies of section newsletters (1976, 1978, 1980-2020), report (2010), bylaws (2011), call for papers (2011, 2020), membership forms (ca. 2012, 2015), guide (ca. 2018), and glossary (ca. 2019) pertaining to activities, discussions, and administration of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Clinical Legal Education.
  • AALS Section on Commercial and Related Consumer Law Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Commercial and Related Consumer Law Publications contain copies of newsletter (2017) and call for papers (2018) pertaining to the activities and administration of the Section.
  • AALS Section on Communication, Media and Information Law Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Communications, Media and Information Law Publications include bylaws of the Section.
  • AALS Section on Comparative Law Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Comparative Law Publications include electronic newsletters concerning the Section's activities and administration as well as a call for papers for the Section's session at the next AALS Annual Meeting.
  • AALS Section on Conflict of Laws Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Conflict of Laws Publications includes calls for papers for subsequent annual meetings. Print copies are held for newsletters from 1991-92 and 1997-2001. Electronic PDF copies are held for calls from 2016 and 2017.
  • AALS Section on Constitutional Law (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records of the AALS Section on Constitutional Law Publications contain call for papers for subsequent annual meetings of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS). Print copies are held for newsletters. Electronic PDF copy is held for call.
  • AALS Section on Creditors' and Debtors' Rights Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the AALS Section on Creditors' and Debtors' Rights Publications contain copies of the newsletter The Disclosure Statement concerning the activities and administration of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Creditors' and Debtors' Rights.
  • AALS Section on Criminal Justice Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Criminal Justice Publications contain copies of newsletters, photographs, bylaws, call for papers, faculty spotlight and mentorship publications, lists of panels and webinars held by the Section, and webinar recording Irresponsibility, Reconsidered.
  • AALS Section on Disability Law Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the AALS Section on Disability Law Publications contain copies of newsletters concerning the activities and administration of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Disability Law and calls for papers for Section sessions at subsequent AALS annual meetings.
  • AALS Section on East Asian Law and Society Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the AALS Section on East Asian Law and Society Publications contain copy of newsletter concerning the activities and administration of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on East Asian Law and Society as well as a call for papers for the Section's session at the next AALS Annual Meeting.
  • AALS Section on Education Law Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from AALS Section on Education Law Publications contain copies of newsletters concerning the activities and administration of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Education Law along with the section's requests for proposals for subsequent annual meetings.
  • AALS Section on Election Law Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Election Law Publications includes newsletter (2021) pertaining to the activities and administration of the AALS Section on Election Law along with Section award information and list of awardees.
  • AALS Section on Empirical Study of Legal Education and the Legal Profession Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Empirical Study of Legal Education and the Legal Profession Publications contain 2018 newsletter pertaining to the activities and administration of the Section.
  • AALS Section on Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation Publications (Born Digital Record and Digital Surrogate)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Record and Digital Surrogate from the AALS Section on Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation Publications consist of copies of newsletters concerning the activities and administration of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation.
  • AALS Section on Employment Discrimination Law Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the AALS Section on Employment Discrimination Law Publications file contain copies of newsletters and calls for papers concerning the activities and administration of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation.
  • AALS Section on European Law Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on European Law Publications contain newsletters concerning the activities and administration of the Section on European Law and a call for papers to be presented at the Section's session at the next AALS Annual Meeting.
  • AALS Section on Evidence Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the AALS Section on Evidence Publications contain copies of newsletters concerning the activities and administration of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Evidence and a call for papers for the Section's session at the next AALS Annual Meeting.
  • AALS Section on Family and Juvenile Law Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the AALS Section on Family and Juvenile Law Publications contain calls for relevant papers to be presented at upcoming annual meeting sessions and copies of newsletters pertaining to the activities and administration of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Juvenile Law.
  • AALS Section on Federal Courts Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the AALS Section on Federal Courts Publications File, contain copies of newsletters concerning the activities and administration of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Federal Courts.
  • AALS Section on Financial Institutions and Consumer Financial Services Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the AALS Section on Financial Institutions and Consumer Financial Services Publications contain a program concerning the schedule of the Section on Financial Institutions and Consumer Financial Services at the 2012 Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting and a call for papers relevant to the section to be presented at the 2017 annual meeting (2016).
  • AALS Section on Graduate Programs for Non-U.S. Lawyers Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the AALS Section on Graduate Programs for Non-U.S. Lawyers Publications contain a newsletter concerning the activities and administration of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Graduate Programs for Foreign Lawyers and calls for presenters or proposals at the subsequent AALS Annual Meeting from the Section on Graduate Programs for Non-U.S. Lawyers.
  • AALS Section on Immigration Law Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Immigration Law Publications file contain calls for papers pertaining to aspects of immigration law relevant to Section's sessions at the Association's subsequent annual meeting.
  • AALS Section on Indian Nations and Indigenous Peoples Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the AALS Section on Indian Nations and Indigenous Peoples Publications includes an electronic newsletter concerning the activities and administration of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Indian Nations and Indigenous Peoples.
  • AALS Section on Intellectual Property Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the AALS Section on Intellectual Property Publications contain call for papers for Section session to be held at the upcoming 2018 AALS Annual Meeting. Print copies are held for newsletters. Electronic copy is held for call.
  • AALS Section on International Human Rights Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the AALS Section on International Human Rights Publications contain newsletters concerning the activities and administration of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on International Human Rights and calls for papers for Section's sessions on "Domestic Humanitarian Law" and "Human Rights Outside the West" to be held at the 2017 AALS Annual Meeting, on "Empirical Approaches to Human Rights Law and the Rise of 'Indicators'" and "New Voices in Human Rights and International Law" to be held at the 2019 AALS Annual Meeting, and "Children's Rights at 30: Challenges for the Next Generation" and "New Voices in Human Rights and International Law" to be held at the 2020 AALS Annual Meeting.
  • AALS Section on International Law Publications(Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the AALS Section on International Law Publications contain copies of newsletters concerning the activities and administration of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on International Law as well as a call for papers for the Section's session at the next AALS Annual Meeting.
  • AALS Section on International Legal Exchange Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the AALS Section on International Legal Exchange Publications contain a newsletter concerning the activities and administration of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on International Legal Exchange and a call for papers to be presented at the Section's session at the next AALS Annual Meeting.
  • AALS Section on Internet and Computer Law Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the publications of the Section on Internet and Computer Law include calls for papers for subsequent AALS Annual Meetings.
  • AALS Section on Islamic Law Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the AALS Section on Islamic Law Publications file contain newsletters concerning the activities and administration of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Islamic Law.
  • AALS Section on Jewish Law Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Jewish Law Publications file contain newsletters concerning the activities and administration of the AALS Section on Jewish Law.
  • AALS Section on Jurisprudence Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Jurisprudence Publications include electronic newsletters, bylaws, awardee information, and mentorship material pertaining to the Section's activities and administration.
  • AALS Section on Labor Relations and Employment Law Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the AALS Section on Labor Relations and Employment Law Publications file contain newsletters concerning the activities and administration of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Labor Relations and Employment Law.
  • AALS Section on Law and Interpretation Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the publications of the Section on Law and Interpretation include a digital newsletter pertaining to the activities and administration of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Law and Interpretation and a call for papers for the 2019 AALS Annual Meeting.
  • AALS Section on Law and Mental Disability Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the AALS Section on Law and Mental Disability Publications contain copies of newsletters concerning the activities and administration of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Law and Mental Disability.