University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The items in the Digital Collections of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Library contain materials which represent or depict sensitive topics or were written from perspectives using outdated or biased language. The Library condemns discrimination and hatred on any grounds. As a research library that supports the mission and values of this land grant institution, it is incumbent upon the University Library to preserve, describe, and provide access to materials to accurately document our past, support learning about it, and effect change in the present. In accordance with the American Library Association’s Freedom to Read statement, we do not censor our materials or prevent patrons from accessing them.

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American Library Association’s Freedom to Read Statement

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility at the University Library
Collection Structure
Resource Type
Showing 3,081–3,120 of 3,503 collections
  • School of Chemical Sciences Noyes Laboratory Centennial Celebration File (Born Digital Records and Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records and Digital surrogates of School of Chemical Sciences Noyes Laboratory Centennial Celebration File contains photographs, digital images and data files, notes, presentations, and publications related to chemistry buildings and other campus buildings; distinguished faculty and alumni; workshops; exhibits; planning for the Centennial Celebration of Noyes Laboratory (2002) and nomination of the building into the American Chemical Society's National Historic Landmark Program. Access to additional material is provided upon request.
  • School of Library Service Library Vertical Files (Digital Surrogates)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital surrogates of the Vertical Files of Columbia University's School of Library Service Library contain library handbooks, reports, community publications, postcards, photographs, dedication and fundraising pamphlets, rules and regulations for staff and patrons, circulation and personnel forms, library cards, state library commission records, clippings and library vendor catalogs. Also included are materials from library, information science, publishing, and bookselling professional organizations. The series is divided into two geographical sections - U.S. States and Territories, and International. Other subseries include Organizations, Subject Files, Catalogs, and ALA Subject Files, which contain annual and midwinter meeting records, programs, souvenirs, and council and division records.
  • School of Music
  • Scripts, Talks and Program Notes (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates of the duplicated scripts for programs in the "Road to Peace" and "The Good Earth" series for the WILL music programs.
  • Secretary's File (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates of the Secretary's File include correspondence and board meeting notes concerning Japanese American students receiving admission to the University of Illinois.
  • Section on Art Law Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Art Law Publications contain bylaws and webinar material pertaining to the activities and administration of the Section on Art Law.
  • Section on Environmental Law Publications (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Environmental Law Publications contain bylaws concerning the activities and administration of the Section on Environmental Law and a call for papers to be presented at the Section's next session at the AALS Annual Meeting.
  • SEI Fact Sheets
  • SEI Newsletters
  • SEI Posters
  • Senate Committee on the Library Annual Reports (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Senate Committee on the Library Annual Reports (Digital Surrogates), 1913-1995, includes digitized annual reports of the University Senate Committee on the Library, including narrative reports; tables and lists relating to the Library's growth; departmental fund allocations and book fund assignments; notable acquisitions and gifts; cataloging; serials; public services; use of the Library and circulation; reference work; lost materials; medical library; Chicago Undergraduate library; and personnel. Materials include minutes and reports of a special committee on Library Program (1931) and a report of the Subcommittee on a Bindery (April 8, 1931). Digitized material was created during a large-scale digitization project, conducted by the University Library in 2007.
  • Seward C. Staley Papers (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born digital records from the Seward C. Staley Papers includes a bibliography listing sports bibliographies. The bibliography is divided in three files.
  • Shaft Magazine Records (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Shaft Magazine Records (Digital Surrogates), 1947-1955, contains digitized issues of Shaft magazine from 1947-1955, published monthly during the school year as a college humor magazine, written and edited by students, including cartoons, stories and advertising. Note: some of the issues are undated.
  • Sheffer Family Papers (Digitized Content)
    Illinois History and Lincoln Collections  ·   Digital Special Collections
    The digitized content of the Sheffer Family Papers consists of materials documenting the lives of George K. Sheffer and his extended family across the Midwest and West. The materials date primarily from 1836-1911, with items dated as late as 1993, and include family correspondence, Civil War military service documents, financial and family records, and miscellaneous photographs and newspaper clippings. George K. Sheffer was born in Williamsport, Indiana in 1840. He served in company K of the 33rd regiment of Indiana Infantry during the Civil War and was wounded at the Battle of Peach Tree Creek. In 1866, he and his family moved to Champaign where Sheffer was a member of the G.A.R. and served multiple terms as the Champaign Township Clerk. The digitized content primarily consists of letters exchanged by family members across the Midwest and Western U.S., as well as military, financial, and family records. The military service materials relate to George K. Sheffer's service in the Civil War and include discharge papers and pension documents. The family records include George and Martha's marriage certificate from 1864, with a list of their children on the reverse side. There are also mixed materials with items relating to various organizations and clubs to which different family members belonged, photographs, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous ephemera. The Illinois History and Lincoln Collections unit at the University of Illinois Library manages the physical items of the Sheffer Family Papers (MS 304). The collection was completely digitized (with the exception of one especially fragile item) in 2016. For more information, contact an archivist at
  • Short Papers
  • Siebel School of Computing and Data Science
    Previous Department Name: Dept. of Computer Science
  • Sjoerd Koopman Library Postcard Collection
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    The Sjoerd Koopman Library Postcard Collection was donated by Sjoerd Koopman, a Dutch former librarian, who also for a range of years worked for the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA). Koopman owns a large private collection of pictorial and photographic postcards, depicting libraries throughout the world. The collection of almost 18,000 cards consists of external as well as interior views, in color and black/white, vintage and modern, and is still growing. It holds postcards of buildings of public, academic, national, mobile, medical, museum and private libraries, reading rooms, catalog halls, etc. Koopman is currently donating all of his duplicate postcards of libraries in the US to the American Library Association Archives, which are available in this digital collection. Future contributions and their descriptions will be added to this digital collection.
  • Slavic and East European Librarians Section Subject File (Digital Surrogates)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital surrogates from the Subject File of the Slavic and East European Librarians Section, including materials on cataloging and classification.
  • Small Homes Council Research Publications (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates from the Small Homes Council Research Publications contains digitized construction manuals prepared by the Small Homes Council-Building Research Council. Manuals include: "Manual Basic Construction Materials Takeoff Workshop", prepared by Professor Rudard A. Jones (1965); "Technical Study. Fastening Surfacing Materials in Rehabilitation Operations" (1968) and "Performance-Based Space Criteria for Low-Cost Housing", by professors Rudard Jones and William Kapple (1968).
  • Small Homes Council Technical Notes (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates from the Small Homes Council Technical Notes, includes digitized technical Notes issued by the Small Homes Council-Building Research Council including Prevention and Treatment of Construction Damage to Shade Trees (TN-1: 1965); Built-up Roofing Details (TN-2: 1966, 1970, 1981); Insulation for Heating (TN-3: 1969, 1977); Converting a Concrete Slab to a Wood Subfloor (TN-4: 1969); Planning for More Space (TN-5: 1969); Investigation of the Mechanical Characteristics of Truss Plates on Fire-Retardant-Treated Wood (TN-6: 1971); Application of Treated Poles and Posts for House Construction (TN-7: 1972); Residential Swimming Pools (TN-8: 1972); Construction for Attic Ventilation (TN-9: 1974); Home Heating and Cooling with Electricity (TN-10: 1974); Gusset Plates from Plywood and Hardboard Scrap (TN-11: 1974); Influence of Heel Wedges on the Stiffness and Strength of Wood Roof Trusses with Metal Plate Connections (TN-12: 1975); Modernization of Hydronic Systems (TN-13: 1976); Details and Engineering Analysis of the Illinois Lo-Cal House (TN-14: 1979); Wood-Frame Construction-Do It Right! (TN-15: 1983); Speaking of Windows (TN-16: 1984, 1990); Flat Roof Conversions (TN-17: 1985); and Ceiling-Floor Partition Separation: What Is It and Why Is It Occurring? (TN-18: 1989).
  • Smart Cities