University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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American Library Association’s Freedom to Read Statement

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility at the University Library
Collection Structure
Resource Type
Showing 121–160 of 16,212 items
  • Woman holding baby
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Woman [Paula Sandburg?] holding a baby in some hay. Box A3. Negative available.
  • Opa, Carl Sandburg, and Margaret Sandburg
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Opa holding baby [Margaret?] and Carl Sandburg holding umbrella.
  • Portrait of a man
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Portrait of an unidentified man. Taken at Maria Tesch studios in Linkoping, Sweden.
  • Carl Sandburg at the fence
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • House and tree
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • Portrait of Carl Sandburg with his chin on his hand
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • Woman on television
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    View of a TV program. A woman appears to be writing or drawing something on a white board.
  • Young woman petting goats
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Young woman petting goats.
  • Carl Sandburg on a television screen
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Unidentified person viewing Carl Sandburg playing a guitar on TV.
  • Gregory D'Alessio playing a guitar for Hilda Terry
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Gregory D'Alessio playing the guitar as his wife, Hilda Terry, looks on.
  • Carl Sandburg's daughter Margaret Sandburg
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Margaret Sandburg in a baby walker. Box A-15. Negative available. [original size 13.5 x 8.0]
  • People standing outside the Arvidson home
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Several people standing outside the Arvidson home.
  • Carl Sandburg's wife and children
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Janet Sandburg at three months of age with Lilian Paula Sandburg and Margaret Sandburg sitting outside.
  • Carl Sandburg speaking into a microphone
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • John Carl Steichen
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • Camp Adjuntas
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    View of Camp Adjuntas from the top of a hill. Probably a camp in the Spanish-American War.
  • Hermilage Street House
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Hermilage Street House, Galesburg, Illinois. A woman and two children are standing together in front of the house.
  • Baby wearing bracelet and holding ball
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Baby [Janet Sandburg?] wearing bracelet and holding ball.
  • Carl Sandburg's daughter Margaret Sandburg
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Margaret Sandburg wrapped in blanket and laying in a basket. Box A-15. Negative available. [original size 6.4 x 10.0]
  • Carl Sandburg with beard standing with hat
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Sandburg with a beard standing on a hill top, probably at Connemara.
  • Carl Sandburg on a bench in Russia
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Portrait of Carl Sandburg sitting on a bench in Russia. Photograph dated 1959.
  • John Carl Steichen and Karlen Paula Steichen (Helga Sandburg's children)
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • Title page of Sandburg's "Incidentals
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • Unidentified people in front of a house
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • Lilian Paula Sandburg in a goat pen
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • Carl Sandburg seated against a tree
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Steichen, Edward
    Carl Sandburg seated against a tree. Photograph by Edward Steichen in 1954.
  • Edward Steichen on an aircraft carrier
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • Small white house
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • Carl Sandburg's daughters playing in lake
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Janet, Margaret, and Helga Sandburg in water at lake. Box A-11. Negative available. [original size 6.3 x 9.1]
  • Young goat
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Young goat with ears perked up. Master Prints, Nuechterlein Studio. Dated 9 August 1940.
  • Portrait of Francis Thorpe
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Portrait of Francis Thorpe from the city of Benton Harbor, Michigan. photograph dated 1945.
  • Sylvanus Wade
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Portrait of Sylvanus Wade from the Wade House. Wade was the founder of Wade House, an early stagecoach inn, in Greenbush, WI.
  • Margaret Sandburg and little boy outdoors
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Margaret Sandburg and unidentified little boy. Same as in Marg-055. Box A-16. Negative available.
  • World War II
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • Shore path at Spring Haven, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Labeled "shore path at Spring Haven, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin." Box A13. Negative available.
  • Wade House smithy
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Woman with a horse and a blacksmith on Wade House grounds.
  • Woman squinting
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Upper part of a woman's face, squinting, wearing a star earring.
  • Profile of Carl Sandburg
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Hammarskiold, Hans
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • Lilian Paula Sandburg and Carl Sandburg sitting with a herd of goats
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • Carl Sandburg chopping a log on the beach
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.