University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Collection Structure
Resource Type
Showing 2,041–2,080 of 16,212 items
  • Lilian Paula Sandburg and Margaret Sandburg with Mary Goff and Lauren Goff after Carl Sandburg's memorial service
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • Hilda Terry D'Alessio, Olga Steckler, Gregory D'Alessio, and Carl Sandburg
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Steckler, Leonard
    From left to right: Hilda Terry D'Alessio, wife of Gregory D'Alessio, an unidentified man, Carl Sandburg, Olga Steckler, and Gregory D'Alessio. Behind the davenport on which they are seated is a sun-shaped mirror. Photograph by Leonard Steckler in 1961.
  • Carl Sandburg and Lilian Paula Sandburg with Ed Steichen on Carl's 75th birthday
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Daley, Bud
    Carl Sandburg and Lilian Paula Sandburg with Edward Steichen. Carl and Lilian Paula are turned toward Steichen and smiling at him. Carl is holding a guitar. Photograph by Bud Daley and dated 6 January 1953.
  • Carl Sandburg receiving the Poetry Society of America's gold medal
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Carl Sandburg receiving the Poetry Society of America's gold medal from Robert Hillyer, Society president. At left is Oliver St. John Gogarty of Dublin, Ireland. photograph dated 13 January 1953.
  • Andre Kostelanetz and his wife in Hawaii under a tree
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Miyamoto, Masao
    Andre Kostelanetz and his wife holding a camera standing by a tree in Hawaii which Carl Sandburg and Lilian Paula Sandburg planted. On the back of the photograph, in Carl's writing, is written, "Paula - The Banyan tree we planted - Kostelanetz [sic] [and] his wife = Carl". Photograph taken by Masao Miyamoto.
  • Two men and some bulls on a street in Puerto Rico
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • Virginia Pasley, Alicia Patterson, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Carl Sandburg
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    From left to right: Carl Sandburg, Virginia Pasley, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Alicia Patterson Guggenheim. photograph dated April 1957. The day this photograph was taken, Wright dubbed Carl "Old Troubadour".
  • Carl Sandburg, Conrad Byloff, and Martin Sandburg
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • New Year's greeting from Rip, Jane, Ted, Ann, and Essy
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    New Year's greeting card photograph from Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Esselstyn, and their children, Rip, Jane, and Ted. The card is a photograph of the children lying on their stomachs on a davenport. photograph dated 3 January 1966.
  • Two men looking at a map
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Acme newpictures photograph of two men examining a map in a shaded place outdoors during World War II. Major General Terry Allen, Divisional Commander, sits studying a map with one of his Regimental Commanders somewhere in Sicily.
  • Carl Sandburg at US Capitol Building
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Fred Schwengel, Representative R-Iowa
  • Carl Sandburg receiving honorary degree from Upsula College
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Poet Honored…, Carl Sandburg receives an honorary degree from Upsula College President Evald B. Lawson as head of English Department, Dr. Walter Gustafson looks on. A typed caption for this AP photograph is in the right margin. Dated 21 January 1959.
  • First floor study of Connemara full of books
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Dunlap, Leslie
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • Front of the Quinn & Boden Co. Book Manufacturers
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    photograph of the front of the Quinn & Boden Co. Book Manufacturers, Rahway, N.J. Their marquis reads: "Have you read Carl Sandburg's Abraham Lincoln War Years."
  • Sandburgs in Hawaii
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Carl Sandburg and Lilian Paula Sandburg with two women and a man holding books. Carl appears to be signing one of the books. Behind the group is what looks like a camera. Photograph taken in Hawaii.
  • Carl Sandburg leafing through a book at the Waldorf Astoria Bookshop
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Carl Sandburg leafing through a book at the Waldorf Astoria Bookshop. photograph dated 1952.
  • Carl Sandburg with a guitar
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Carl Sandburg with a guitar. photograph dated 23 March 1937.
  • Toddler on porch
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Toddler [Margaret Sandburg?] on a porch. Box A3. Negative available.
  • Carl Sandburg speaking at University of Illinois Assembly Hall
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Carl Sandburg speaking at University of Illinois Assembly Hall. photograph dated 3 May 1963.
  • Woman in front of trees
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Woman standing in front of trees.
  • Close-up of Carl Sandburg in a plaid shirt
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • Janet, Helga, and a third woman on the beach at Harbert, Michigan
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • Young goats
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • Goat in front of fence
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Black and white spotted male goat in front of fence at Connemara.
  • Liz and Sascha Petting a Capybara
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Liz and Sascha petting a capybara
  • Bird at the park
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Bird flying by tree. Fence and bench in background at a park-like setting.
  • Carl Sandburg with mother and children
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • Caption for a photograph
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • Woman in glasses
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Mounted. Woman in glasses. Callahan?
  • Postcard caption
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Verso of B447-005-043a with description. Typed on the back of a postcard. Postmarked in Galesburg, IL, October 14 [?], 1958.
  • Portrait of Carl Sandburg
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Steichen, Edward
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • White goat
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    White goat. Labeled "Chapman's Judy.
  • Carl Sandburg with young boy and girl
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • World War II
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • Goats
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • Child seated at a piano
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Unidentified child seated at a piano. photograph dated December 1979.
  • Woman in veil
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Mounted. Woman in a veil with open mouth. Callahan?
  • Profile of a prize winning white goat
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Images were captured using an Epson 1640 XL flatbed scanner and Photoshop 7.0 and 8.0 imaging software. Master images were captured in TIFF format, 24-bit color or 16-bit black-and-white. Image size was 600 DPI for all master images. Master image size ranged from roughly 2.5 MB to 40.0 MB. Images were optimized using Photoshop 5.0. For this project image modification was kept to a minimum. Images were rotated and some borders were cropped to reflect the look of the original piece. Access images were created as JPEGS with minimum compression and sized to 1024x768 pixels.
  • People in front of a house
    Carl Sandburg Collection  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Five unidentified people standing in front of a house.