University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The items in the Digital Collections of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Library contain materials which represent or depict sensitive topics or were written from perspectives using outdated or biased language. The Library condemns discrimination and hatred on any grounds. As a research library that supports the mission and values of this land grant institution, it is incumbent upon the University Library to preserve, describe, and provide access to materials to accurately document our past, support learning about it, and effect change in the present. In accordance with the American Library Association’s Freedom to Read statement, we do not censor our materials or prevent patrons from accessing them.

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American Library Association’s Freedom to Read Statement

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility at the University Library
Collection Structure
Resource Type
Showing 3,281–3,320 of 3,503 collections
  • United States Department of Agriculture Soil Maps
    Map Library  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Recognizing that the characteristics of soil have a great impact on the quality and yield of crops, the United States Department of Agriculture Division of Soils, later Bureau of Soils, created soil survey reports and maps to document areas of and differences in soil types and to describe problems encountered by specific agricultural processes or crops. Field Operations of the Bureau of Soils was produced annually by the U.S. Department of Agriculture from 1899 (1st) through 1922 (24th), with the first two reports (1899-1900) published as the Field Operations of the Division of Soils. Reports included an extensive text and a set of soil survey maps for various counties, parishes, and locations in the United States. This collection consists of digitized soil survey maps. Digitized texts can be found in the HathiTrust ( Additionally, links to text for individual years are included as part of the descriptions of the scanned maps.
  • Universal Accessibility Interest Group Convener File (Born Digital Records)
    American Library Association Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital born files of the Convener of the Universal Accessibility Interest Group (2009-2018), including tip sheet for incoming conveners, meeting agendas and minutes (2009-2018), flyers (2015), governance and charge, history of the interest group, renewal paperwork (2015-2018), LibGuides subcommittee (2016), membership statistics (2015, 2018), and end of year reports (2012-2018).
  • University Archives Reference File (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital surrogates from the University Archives Reference File contains articles and digital exhibits, pertaining to materials held at the Archives' ready reference file. Electronic records available for this Series include the following material associated with paper folders: Notable University Residence Hall Alumni, ca.2000: Document, presumably created by University Housing, listing selected notable University alumni and their former addresses in University Residence Halls. Found in: University Archives Reference File, 1963- > Box 5 > Folder 20: Housing. Vermillion River Observatory History, spring 2005: Article from from the ECE Alumni News, vol. XXXIX, Spring 2005. This article was created by Hutchinson, James Andrew (Jamie). Found in: University Archives Reference File, 1963- >Box 7 > Folder 71: Observatory. Unofficial St. Patrick's Day: The Official Story, March 2014: Blog post prepared by Archives' staff, documenting the history of the event known as "Unofficial", and providing relevant sources for research. Avaliable at: Found in: University Archives Reference File, 1963- > Box 9 > Folder 23: Unofficial St. Patrick's Day. Project 500 Online Exhibit, May 2013:Online exhibit created by students as a class project for History 386, Public History, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Available at: Found in: University Archives Reference File, 1963- >Box 8 > Folder 49: Special Educational Opportunities Program (SEOP).
  • University Archives Subject File (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    This media contains the University Archives' own files (backups of finding aids, databases, etc. Source media: Floppy disk: 3 1/2 inch, Floppy disk: 5 1/4 inch, Zip disk
  • University Built Environment
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    In the beginning, the inspiration and actualization of the land-grant Industrial University, what was to become the University of Illinois, required thoughtful planning and a commitment to its built environment. The design and planning decisions made early on would influence all current and future development on the campus of the University of Illinois and its influence on the surrounding neighborhoods. It is the essence of the built environment that provides a back-drop to and anchors all aspects of daily life for most communities. For the Urbana campus these anchors are grounded in the foundations of historic landmarks such as the Central Quadrangle, the Alma Mater, Memorial Stadium, the Illini Union, Altgeld Hall, and Lincoln Hall. The daily life of those engaged in academic pursuits is punctuated by the open spaces and trees lining walkways between buildings. Within the buildings themselves, the use of space is in a never-ending state of movement, with remodeling projects shifting space to meet the classroom and laboratory needs of the next generation of students and faculty. The Illinois Built Environment collection provides to the public for the first time, a first-hand view of select original documents used to shape the Campus. Among others, items include hand sketches of campus plans, original trace and linen drawings of many of the Central Quadrangle buildings, four separate proposed sketches for the original Library, now known as Altgeld Hall, and watercolor renderings for the display of the Alma Mater and many buildings. Many of the documents are common elevation architectural drawings. Some provide information that can inform the educated eye about building materials and the use of various construction techniques. Many are reflective of design trends of the times and some show comments and notes of the architect. Unique to a collection such is this is the dual role the document plays. At any moment a document may be in immediate need to help guide professional craftsmen with repair and remodeling tasks. This same document may simultaneously be a living testament to the past by the very nature of the information it contains, thereby making it a priceless artifact. This collection will grow over time as more original drawings, sketches and renderings are released for public use.
  • University Enrollment File (Digital Surrogates and Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    University Enrollment File (Digital Surrogates and Born Digital Records), 1869 -1967, 1970, 1975 -, contains surveys forms and statistical data of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) and the university's Division of Management Information (DMI), concerning institutional characteristics; student enrollment statistics and degrees awarded by race/ethnicity, gender, region of origin (country, state, county), college, curriculum and student level; college curriculum codes, and CIP (classification of instructional program) codes; miscellaneous student statistics for various surveys; and a survey form for academic libraries. Additional information about enrollment statistics can be found at the DMI's website:
  • University High School Oral History Interviews (Born Digital and Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    University High School Oral History Interviews includes biographies, release forms, transcripts of interviews, and oral histories conducted by Uni High students on various topics including counterculture in Champaign-Urbana, military, gender and racial equity, intellectual and physical disabilities, right to marry, Asian Americans, and minorities in athletics.
  • University Honors — the Bronze Tablets
    University Library  ·   Digital Special Collections
    The University of Illinois began the tradition of inscribing the Bronze Tablets with the names of students receiving University Honors in 1925. A new tablet is hung in the Main Library each year. Inscription on the Bronze Tablets recognizes sustained academic achievement by undergraduate students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. According to the Student Code, students must have at least a 3.5 cumulative grade point-average through the academic term prior to graduation, and rank in the top three percent of the students in their graduating class. The University Library commissioned Chris Brown Photography to photograph the Tablets. Prints are available for purchase through the Illini Union Bookstore.
  • University Labor Agreements (Born Digital Records)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Born Digital Records from the University Labor Agreements consists of documents by the board of trustees of the University of Illinois and their agreements regarding labor. The records pertain to Chicago, Springfield and Urbana Campuses of the University of Illinois.
  • University Library
    University Library Publications and Research and Scholarship from Library Faculty and Staff
  • University Library and Departmental Library Annual Reports (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    University Library and Departmental Library Annual Reports (Digital Surrogates), 1946-2003, contains annual departmental library reports (1975 - 2003) and reports to the University President (1946 - 89) by the University Librarian, relating to Library growth and collection development, departmental libraries, notable acquisitions, cataloging, library use, physical plant improvements , personnel and library needs. Materials were digitized by the University Library in a large-scale digitization project in 2007.
  • University Newsreels Files (Audiovisual Digital Surrogates), 1963-1970
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Audio-Visual digital surrogates from the University Newsreels Files, contain digitized copies of video recordings concerning University history, campus buildings improvement, student enrollment and campus life, student protests, memorials, occupational therapy services, science and technology facilities, prominent faculty, athletic activities, fraternity, sorority and alumni organizations. Digitized films include University promotional films "March of the Illini" (Spring 1963, Fall 1963, Spring 1964, Fall 1964); and "The Living Arts and the Krannert, 1970" a promotional video on the newly built Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, including an interview with Herman and Ellnora Krannert.
  • University of Illinois at Springfield
    IDEALS for the University of Illinois at Springfield
  • University of Illinois Campus Maps (Digital Surrogates)
    University of Illinois Archives  ·   Digital Special Collections
    Digital Surrogates of the University of Illinois Campus Maps includes basemaps and an index used for hand-drawn utilities maps.